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August 31, 2011
More On Indianola Screw-Ups: “The truth of the matter is you’ve got a couple old cowboys running a Tea Party and we’re not professional politicians"
In my earlier post on this, I walked-back my criticism of Palin in updates, and walked-up my criticism of the bungling by the Tea Party of America, organizing the event.
The Other McCain has more on all of this. This group may have their hearts in the right places, but their attention to details seems low.
Davie Wiegel had previously talked to the Tea Party of America president, Ken Crow, and found him a little... off-script.
I met Crow in Iowa this month (I've been unsuccessful reaching him today) and he struck me as a classic Tea Party archetype -- an amateur with big Field of Dreams ambitions. He made me well aware of all the projects he was working on but seemed a little laconic for a guy putting on a mega-rally.
"It's gonna be televised on C-Span," he said, "and maybe Fox, too."
Reading up on Crow today, we find that he's a talky activist prone to showing how much he knows. For example, on Palin: "I know for a fact she ain't gonna run." That's the guy bringing Palin to Iowa for an event that reporters are attending because they wonder whether Palin will run!
Wiegel's headline is "Blame the Organizers, Not Palin." It does seem like it's much more of that.
As I eventually concluded in the last post, this is a real "What the hell were you thinking?" situation.
Before inviting O'Donnell, did it occur to them they should run that by their headliner/whole reason to have the rally in the first place?
Did none of them wonder about this at all? Did none of them wonder if Christine O'Donnell was really a top-tier player worthy of sharing the stage with Palin?