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August 30, 2011
Ann Walsh Bradley is a Decidedly Unjust Justice
The investigative file on the Wisconsin Supreme Court Prosser/Bradley altercation was released last week. It makes clear that this should have been called just the "Bradley altercation." Justice Bradley's claim against Justice Prosser was entirely fictional. She made it up.
Justice Bradley charged at Prosser. Justice Bradley raised her fist to him. Justice Bradley had to be restrained by a third Justice to keep her off of Prosser. All interviewees, including Bradley, told investigators that Prosser's part was simply to raise his hands in self-defense. The so-called "chokehold" that Bradley told the press about (but not the police, notably) never happened.
William Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection has a definitive review of the investigative file. Read it. Bradley apparently had no problem lying to journalists to try and destroy Prosser's career. No doubt she wanted sympathy from credulous partisans after her embarrassing and unprofessional attack on Prosser.
And she's not letting a little thing like the truth stop her now. Jacobson notes:
Bradley has continued to use the theme of workplace safety even after the charges were dropped against Prosser, in this statement she released:
This is and remains an issue of workplace safety.
My focus from the outset has not been one of criminal prosecution, but rather addressing workplace safety….
I well understand the difficulty of gaining any criminal conviction. The prosecution’s burden of proof is very heavy, as it should be….
With the potential for prosecution now eliminated, I will renew my efforts to seek the cooperation of my colleagues on the court to resolve this progressive workplace safety issue.
Why, yes, it is a progressive workplace safety issue. It's quite clear that Justice Bradley and her anger management issues are the source of the Wisconsin Supreme Court's progressive risk of physical altercation. Bradley has no self-control and is a danger to her colleagues, her clerks, and her staff. Certainly if I were clerking for her, I'd never let myself be alone in a room with her with the door closed. There's no telling what physical abuses she would resort to. Worse, she has no compunctions about lying about it afterwards.
Prosser's only saving grace was that Bradley lost control in a room crowded with witnesses.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:27 AM
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