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August 16, 2011
Beware the competent Technocrats [ArthurK]
Heard a few minutes of Richard Riordan on a local radio show (Prager?).
He was a 2 term mayor of LA. Republican and reasonably successful. I voted for him both times. I think he left LA a little better off than he found it.
He was chatting about the miserable performance of President Obama. He admitted that he had voted for Obama. He said (paraphrase), "I couldn't vote for a guy from the bottom of his class at the Annapolis over a guy from the top of his class at Harvard."
Please refer to this earlier post.
P58 - The technocrats go to Harvard and Yale. Palin's colleges are abhorrent! This is a new attitude. Truman didn't have a degree!
McCain's record of success after the academy didn't impress Riordan. I recall that McCain was not just a jet-jock - he commanded a large training squadron. The Navy doesn't hand out those assignments to dopes. McCain didn't just command the squadron - he was successful there. But he just didn't have the elite credentials to impress Riordan enough so Riordan helped put Obama in office.
Riordan is one of those special technocrats that worry me. The ones that talk conservative but, once in office, are perfectly happy to
administer the socialist regime the left-wingers left him with. Many of them, like Riordan, are quite competent. But they try to make the existing structure work better - they never try to change it! Riordan might not have liked the LA employee pension system but I don't recall that he did much about it.
terrified that Romney is one of those guys. I don't think we can afford one of them in the White House in 2013 - we're too close to the edge. It'll take a lot for Romney to convince me that he has attitude to
rip stuff out instead of tweaking things to make them work better.

posted by Open Blogger at
07:16 PM
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