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Blogging After America Day One
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August 12, 2011
Sarah Palin: Hey Iowa! Remember Me? Of Course You Do.
After a month or so of relative radio silence and Sarah Palin is back in the spotlight with a visit to the Iowa state fair.
"I think there is plenty of time to jump in the race," she said. "Watching the whole process over the last year certainly shows me that, yes, there is plenty of room for more people."
She said that "practically speaking" September would probably be a deadline for her decision. "I don't want to be perceived as stringing people along," she said.
Palin spoke to the press for about an hour and manged to work in a bit of a shot at Rick Perry.
Palin dings Perry: "I'm glad he's entering the race, even though he said he wouldn't"
Apparently Perry said he wouldn't run for President during his last run for Governor. I remember people saying that Perry would meet Palin's test of a true conservative candidate and that his running would keep her out. She might wind up endorsing him but it doesn't sound like a slam-dunk by any stretch.
I really hope Palin makes up her mind sooner rather than later about getting in the race, especially if she's going to kibitz and comment on candidates from the sidelines. There's no denying Palin's appeal and her ability to generate attention and coverage. At some point, the candidates that are actually running need to be the center of attention. If this is part of her campaign, it's absolutely fair. If it's an attempt to build a brand, not so much.
Time will tell.
Oh and you know who a Palin candidacy would benefit? That's right, Mitt Romney. He'd love to sit back and watch Perry and Palin slug it out for awhile.
Added: Some think I put a negative gloss on Palin's comments about Perry. Well, the folks at Conservatives for Palin seem to think it was a hit and are pretty excited about it.

posted by DrewM. at
03:43 PM
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