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August 25, 2011
The RedState/Dan Riehl/Jamie Radtke Fur-Pile
It feels like 2005 because there is, or at least was, a full-on blog-war.
I didn't cover this because I really wanted it to go nowhere, but it did not go nowhere, it went wide. So.
Jamie Radtke is a Tea Party candidate challenging George Allen for the Republican nomination for Senate in Virginia. She is having trouble getting endorsements and traction, partly because George Allen has a lot of friends in influential places. Plus, I think it's just expected he will prevail in the primary so why rock the boat?, goes the thinking in the pragmatist/establishment camp.
Dan Riehl and RedState had been knocking heads over another matter. (A RedState contributor faulted Michelle Malkin for "leaving her integrity and intellect at the door" in her anti-vaccine activism -- and I gotta tell you, I do not get the anti-vaccine stuff and never ever will -- and Dan began railing on them for blog on blog violence.
Erick Erickson endorsed Radtke, but later wrote an email to her explaining he would have to limit his advocacy on her behalf:
Erickson told Allen’s challenger, Jamie Radtke, that he had to moderate his support for her because “my bosses are huge Allen friends,” according to an email he sent earlier this month, which her campaign manager forwarded to POLITICO.
Well, that email got leaked to Politico. So there is now a major fight going on between Riehl (accused of helping the story along), RedState, and Radtke.
I'm avoiding the ugly accusations because honestly I'd like this all to be worked out behind the scenes.
Nope, There's More: So, Erick posted reviews of Radtke's speech at the RedState Gathering, in which some people claimed she must have been drunk.
Radtke called that "libelous" and a lawyer sent a letter demanding a retraction (since provided, mostly).
But now a statement is issued:
Erick’s blog goes beyond the pale,” Radtke stated. “He crossed the line by publishing complete falsehoods. Now, it is his responsibility to admit he did wrong, set the record straight and apologize – and that is what I am asking Erick to do.
“This kind of scurrilous behavior and treatment has been repeatedly carried out on tea party leaders and conservative candidates who dare challenge the good ‘ole boy Washington Establishment. This attempt by the Washington Establishment to destroy the tea party and their candidates must stop. Enough is enough.
Well who knows, maybe this can help Radtke. There is an old staying, if you want to draw a crowd, pick a fight.