« You'd Best Strap Yourself In. DOOM! Is Behind the Wheel. |
CNBC describes the current state of the economy as "a rough patch." [krakatoa] »
August 04, 2011
You're no daisy! You're no daisy at all. [krakatoa]
Dirty Lung organization takes taxpayer dollars from EPA to lobby against bills limiting the regulatory reach of the EPA.
Among the many wrongs that must be corrected should the Right regain power in '12 is a thorough investigation and rectifying of all such regulatory agencies' malfeasances against the governed.
One such method is via the REINS Act. Click here to read more about it and lend support.
Also: Open Thread. This means feel free to go OT without saying "OT". I swear, some of you people are just too nice. I look forward to you disproving that last statement with a variety of colorful invective involving my heritage, my relative intelligence, my sexuality and my choice in weaponry.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:01 AM
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