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August 24, 2011
Illinois Loses More Jobs Than Any Other State
One would think the pattern is becoming clear: Left-leaning, high-tax, big-regulation, big-government states and countries are suffering the most.
The site was being melted down by a Drudge link this morning, so I did a screengrab and put it here too. You should be able to click on the image to magnify.
Illinois lost more jobs during the month of July than any other state in the nation, according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report. After losing 7,200 jobs in June, Illinois lost an additional 24,900 non-farm payroll jobs in July. The report also said Illinois’s unemployment rate climbed to 9.5 percent. This marks the third consecutive month of increases in the unemployment rate.
The best part? The graph that accompanies the article:
Edit: Pssst. Hey, Illinois business. Come on down the pike a bit. Visit lovely Oklahoma. Hell, we love business.
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posted by rdbrewer at
11:47 AM
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