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August 24, 2011
Open Thread 'em if you Got 'em -- PETA officially becomes Integral Part of AoSHQtm Lifestyle. [krakatoa]
I am now willing to entertain their arguments with firm attention. Attention that had been flagging of late. Flaccid, perhaps, from a lack of stimulation.
Said stimulation will soon be at hand, and I for one am positively engorged with wonder at the prospect our basest animal vices exposed!
Indeed, you could say I am throbbing with anticipation for the climax of PETA's newest ground-breaking campaign.
This announcement leaves a public turgid and aching for release from the depredations of KFC, furriers, and professional hot-dog eaters. Release that will be provided, ironically, by professional hot-dog eaters.
PETA: I Salute You!.
...the organization will launch peta.xxx as a pornography site that draws attention to the plight of animals.
The best jokes will be in the comments, I am sure.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:06 AM
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