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August 17, 2011
Gallup: Yup, 39 or 40% Seems Like Obama's New Mark
Here's something: Obama's approval rating (in another poll) in New York has fallen to... 36%.
The poll finds that just 36% of New Yorkers approve of Obama's job performance -- a 17-point plummet from the 53% rating he received in May. Meanwhile, 63% of voters give the president a negative job performance rating.
"His job performance has not fallen, it has tanked," said Siena pollster Steven Greenberg.
"Even Democrats are evenly divided. For the first time since March, fewer than half of voters say they are prepared to re-elect the president."
Oh well, that's just one poll; probably doesn't mean a thing. One in 20 polls are completely wrong, after all.
But a poll in NJ also finds him underwater. Not at that eyepoppingly low 36%, but a very low 44%.
President Barack Obama is headed in the wrong direction as New Jersey voters disapprove 52 - 44 percent of the job he is doing, down from a 50 - 46 percent positive score June 21 and the president's lowest score ever in the Garden State.
New Jersey voters say 49 - 45 percent that Obama does not deserve to be reelected, but say 45 - 37 percent that they would vote for Obama over an unnamed Republican challenger in the 2012 presidential race.
Christie has a higher approval rating (at 47%).
By the way, JWF notes that Perry speaks fluently without a teleprompter. Imagine that.
Perry's full address to the Politics & Eggs breakfast in NH here. His global warming answer is at 31:15 (the question begins about 30:25).
And who's up for some smack-talk from Giuliani? Giuliani says Jimmy Carter had a better sense of the economy than Obama.
No leadership, no articulated plan, says Giuliani.
Christie similarly calls out Obama for failing to lead.
You can't lead from behind. Leading is not a political strategy. It's a moral strategy. You know, I've said many times about the President who I have admiration for, and who I agree with on a number of issues. But man, get out there and tell us what you believe and be willing to fight for it even if people disagree with it. They're going to give you points. They're going to give you points for being willing to speak your mind. I can't tell you how many times I was walking along the beach in various parts of New Jersey this past week where I had people come up to me and say I don't agree with you all the time but at least you're doing something. People will give you credit for that even if they don't agree with you every time. Nobody agrees with me all the time. I barely agree with me all the time. So, you know, so you go out and you do the best you can.
Obama seems to realize he has a problem.
White House to Counter Leadership Drag
[N]o one in the White House is amused at the further deterioration of Obama's standing – nor at the National Republican Senatorial Committee that turned that remark into a TV commercial mocking his leadership skills. The ad shows him playing ping-pong and drinking Guinness in an Irish pub while the screen scrolls “76 rounds of golf, 48 days of vacation, 149 fundraisers.”
The decline in what one White House aide called “the leadership brand” is clear from the polling. In April 2009, Gallup found 73 percent of Americans who said that Obama was a “strong leader.” In May 2010, that had declined to 60 percent. In March 2011, Gallup had it down to 52 percent. There has been no more recent polling on that issue, but aides fear that after Libya and the debt-ceiling debate, the number almost certainly has dropped again.
According to the two senior officials, the plan to arrest that decline is for Obama to no longer be seen as above the fray. While they believe Republicans were both wrong and unfair to claim the president had no plan to bring down the deficit, they know it hurt him. So they will try to show the president as having specific plans and then show him fighting for them. No more will the president be focusing primarily on issues that can attract bipartisan support and appeal to a Republican House.
Um, when did he do that?
And no longer will he be so willing to let Congress work out the details on its own.
Oh, he's going to start actually working then. What an amazing idea.
And of course repairing the country and his "leadership brand" will begin, as always, as soon as he gets back from vay-cay.