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August 11, 2011
The Left is Absolutely Going to Lose Its Mind Over Rick Perry
They just don't even know what to do about Rick Perry. Last month, Salon.com "reporter" Justin Elliot photoshopped Perry onto a Confederate battle flag and fruitlessly implied he was a neoConfederate. This month the same "reporter" is still grasping at straws and, ">as noted by Legal Insurrection, is utterly incoherent about it.
Now Elliott is trying to paint Perry as, get this, both anti-Muslim and pro-Sharia, Rick Perry: The Pro-Sharia Candidate?.
For the supposed anti-Muslim part Elliott relies on the guilt by association, arguing that Perry has been “palling around with some radical evangelical Christian figures who are openly hostile to Islam.” For the supposed pro-Sharia part Elliot argues that Perry’s relationship with the Aga Khan...
The piece was accompanied by a now-typical feature of Salon.com "reporting": a photoshop. This time a great big crescent of Islam was superimposed on Perry.
Elliott wrote me on twitter, apparently irritated that I called his Perry articles "hacktastic." He said he was just pointing out how "striking" it is that Perry is friendly with some Muslims and that Perry had praised some Muslim scholars. He clammed up real quick, though, when I noted that this was a dodge as he would never write an article "Is Obama pro-Sharia?" just because Obama knows Muslims and has said nice things about them. Thus: hack.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:34 AM
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