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Blogging After America - Day Seven
Chapter Six - Fall [ArthurK] »
August 17, 2011
Farmer to Obama: Lie to Me. Obama to Farmer: Not A Problem
On Obama's fully official, "not a campaign tour at all oh no" visit to the Midwest today, a local expressed concerns about new regulations coming from his administration that would be onerous to his livelihood. Captured in this Jake Tapper twitter thing by Slublog this morning.
Farmer: Hey, are you fixing to kick our ass using the EPA to regulate dust?
Obama: Hahahaha.. you should check with the Department of Agriculture to assuage your silly fears.
Farmer: Ok!
Hey WTF?!
Hah. Obama lied, people...shouldn't grow crops.
According to a letter sent from some US Senators to the EPA, current dust standards have already been virtually impossible for western farmers to abide by.
Dust is kind of, everywhere there. I guess when you stir the soil- let's say, doing something foolhardy, like farming- dust just comes shooting straight up outta the ground. Strange place. Like an alien planet. To the Reality Based Community, anyway.
Now the EPA wants these farmers to tighten their deadly dust output by half. From the Senators' letter:
We respect efforts for a clean and healthy environment, but not at the expense of common sense. These identified levels will be extremely burdensome for farmers and livestock producers to attain. Whether its livestock kicking up dust, soybeans being combined on a dry day in the fall, or driving a car down the gravel road, dust is a naturally occurring event.
Just to be clear: the EPA considers farm soil a pollutant.
Why is food so expensive? Because the federal government is out of control. It has unleashed its regulatory agencies.
Unrealistic idiots, obsessed with inconsequential bullshit. Who you never voted for.
That's why.
UPDATE from lauraw: A Midwestern beet farmer prepares for harvest.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:09 PM
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