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August 19, 2011
Blogging After America - Day Eight
Chapter Seven - The New Jerusalem [ArthurK]
Welcome to the Eighth Day of Blogging After America.
After yesterday's doomfest we have the shortest chapter in the book. But don't relax, it's concentrated Doom!
Previously in the series - Day One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven.
This chapter's theme is International Relations - Fallen America will be treated like Israel is now.
Page 276 - It's not that America will be isolationist - we'll be isolated.
In 2010 Aussie navy had joint exercises with the Chinese navy. 2nd tier countries see which way the wind is blowing.
P277 - In the messy future "the United States will still be the most inviting target - first because it’s big, and second because, as Britain knows, the durbar moves on but imperial resentments linger long after imperial grandeur."
The way our "allies" talk about Israel today is the way they'll talk about America tomorrow.
P278 - "Washington will be the new Jerusalem - a beleaguered citadel in a world that wants to kill it."
Musings - A plausible geopolitical look at 2026.
America - Much less able to project military power due to economic problems. Look at
Day One again. Under heavy terrorist pressure.
Asia - China is throwing its weight around. This does
not mean they're invading everybody - their neighbors know what's what. Without help from America, India is more likely to accommodate China than to defy it. Due to demography China feels pressure to lock up some long term advantage before it gets old. They might be in the mood to take chances.
Europe - All those muslim babies (lots!) born in 2006 (the year America Alone was published) are 20 now. The native europeans who were 40 and 50 then are 60 and 70 now. With demographics like that you don't need to be a majority to have veto power if not control. America won't be seeing any help from increasingly islamified Europe. And the Euro economy might even be worse than Americas. Not a stable place.
It's a Crapsack World.
But don't feel morose about this day's installment - tomorrow's will be much more depressing!

posted by Open Blogger at
04:59 AM
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