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Future Report Open Thread: Food Stamms Got me to Work. [krakatoa] »
August 17, 2011
Your DOOM is blocking my driveway, sir.
The costs of ObamaCare set to skyrocket in 2014. Not coincidentally, Obama will either be out of office or well into his second term. Let's hope we can get it repealed before then.
A slowing German economy is very bad news, both for the eurozone and for the rest of the world.
The Fall of the House of Bernanke.
Nevertheless, many government functions have far less value than their cost; if this were not the case, they would already be provided by the free market, without any government intervention at all. Naturally, those government functions carried out as a result of an unplanned ‘stimulus’ to boost an economy out of recession will tend to be less valuable than average, since if a need for them had been seen earlier they would already have been included in the annual budget.
Making it impossible for the government to spend money it does not have will have an immensely beneficial effect on future policies, both monetary and fiscal. Whether Republicans, Democrats, Tea Party or Alinskyites will come to dominate US government after that is currently shrouded in mist, but one thing is absolutely clear: the House of Bernanke will have fallen.
The First and Second Amendments, working together.
More “green” FAIL. This may be the best bit of unintentional comedy you'll read all day.
Just a reminder in case you forgot: Matthew Yglesias is a cretin. To idiots like him, the ability to print fiat money is a universal salve for all financial ills.
Theodore Dalrymple. No one does DOOM better.
Is it time to abolish collective bargaining entirely? In the public sector, I'd say yes, absolutely. In the private sector? I'm not so sure, and anyway, unionism seems to be dying out of its own accord in the private sector.
And the winner of the first “Major Municipal Meltdown” award is...MIAMI! Let’s give them a big hand, folks. They earned it.
The center cannot hold. I used to appreciate Brad DeLong's stuff -- I knew he was liberal, but he seemed to have a pretty thoughtful take on economics often missing from his other liberal economist peers. Alas, he seems to have fallen into the same lefty hate-pit as the rest of his fellow-travelers.
And it took me only two months--two months!--to conclude that America's best hope for sane technocratic governance required the elimination of the Republican Party from our political system as rapidly as possible.
(Emphasis mine.) Pity. A man I thought was an honest advocate for opinions I disagree with turns out to be the same kind of spiteful, uncritical ideologue that Krugman is. The mistake was mine for seeing something that was never there, I guess. Arnold Kling
has further thoughts.
Even the military is finding the defined-benefit pension model to be untenable. The Pentagon is now exploring moving to a 401(k)-style defined-contribution plan. This is just more evidence that the defined-benefit plan is soon going to be extinct -- it is just not a sustainable model.
UPDATE 1: Well I'll be damned. Perma-bull Larry Kudlow jumps to Perry's defense on his (Perry's) Bernanke comments.