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August 25, 2011
Perry Knocks Romney on RomneyCare
One advantage Romney has in a battle with Perry is that most of Romney's flaws are already known and, as they say, "baked in the cake." Romney's counterattacks will probably do more damage, because that will be new information (or new supposed information) for voters.
He says that "Mitt" is finally starting to realize RomneyCare is a problem (? -- I think he knew), and calls it a "total debacle."
More interesting, to me, is his effort to define himself in general terms.
Perry used the radio appearance to help advance his image as a candidate who deplores the Washington establishment; he also worked to distinguish himself from former President George W. Bush, to whom he's often compared despite the reputedly poor relationship between Perry and the Bush family.
"I'm Rick Perry and I am who I am and I've got my own record. I'm not George Bush, I don't try to be," Perry said. He griped that some opponents criticize him because "I speak plainly."
"I am not an establishment figure," Perry said. "I dislike Washington; I think it's a seedy place."