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October 29, 2022
The Weekend Hobby Thread
One of my hobbies is hosting Sunday-Wednesday, The Overnight Open Thread. I normally lead with a photo. One of those photos was an inspiration to Duane who painted this and submitted to the almost world famous Weekend Hobby Thread.
I know it's an oil painting. Size? I'm not sure. Wonderful job Duane.
I wish Aelishdad would have provided additional information about his photography and the trouble he is experiencing. Take a look at his photo below and his story. If there is anyone out there who can help out with this please feel free to comment or send me an email and I can pass along.
I use to be an avid photog. Not so much now. This was taken, July 1971 at or near the grand Canyon. You can see how it aged poorly, PaintShopPro has buttons that let you fix it. Only a few hundred left to do.
My nic is Aelishdad.
A few hundred? Beat's thousands. Hopefully you will be successful at this project.
I had the pleasure to meet "f'd" at the TXMoMe last week. Besides great taste in Zappa music. He is quite the hobbyist. He submitted the following to us.
It's like a Hobby Feel Good Story of The Week.
Teen Car Photographer with Autism is Gifted RV by Retired Cameraman
A kindhearted photographer has gifted his recreational vehicle (RV) to a 14-year-old car photographer who has autism.
Retired lensman Scott Christenson gave his 1976 GMC motor home to Anthony Schmidt who takes incredible photos of model cars so that they look life-sized.
What's happening in your hobby world? We would like to hear and share with The Horde. You can reach me at petmorons at gmail dot com.
Until the next time, have a good one.
posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
04:30 PM
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