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Food Thread: Lox All Your Doors To Keep Out The Tartares! »
October 02, 2022
First-World Problems...
It's an old house, with two different heating systems. Interestingly, the old system (steam radiators) works as intended, with almost no maintenance required. The new system, which is an in-floor radiant heat system requires more maintenance, especially since there were some deficiencies in the initial installation. I've complained about it before, but this time I said, "screw it, I'm fixing it myself!"
So I replaced that pump, which is the main circulating pump that feeds all of the zones and was making an awful racket. But draining the system allows air in, and radiant heat works very badly with air in the lines, so I had to figure out how to purge the air out of all of the zones. And while I was at it I added a system cleaner, which seems to have worked a little, since the water I was pumping through the system to purge it was dark and rusty for many minutes in each loop!
What's the point? Most problems can be solved with sufficient application of thought, and some careful planning beforehand. I know very little about these systems, but just looking at each zone and figuring out how the water moved and where the valves were made all of the difference. And it was fun.
I proclaim myself ShelfMaster!