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Daily Tech News 7 October 2022 »
October 06, 2022
Spooktober ONT
Photo credit: Aaron J. Groen
The moon.
The pregnant moon.
She giggled a little as the thought occurred to her, her breath steaming in the crisp October night. How can a moon be pregnant? she wondered. Who or what would impregnate it? She imagined the two of them, the moon and it's hopeful lover, the sun perhaps, enjoying coffee in a Soho diner, the night rife with romantic possibilities.
A pregnant moon. How silly!
She giggled again and carried that amusing thought with her into the Stygian darkness as the creature's jaws closed on her throat for the final time.
The moon.
The pregnant moon.
It's now October, which means that Halloween is just around the corner, and so I think it's time for a Spooktober ONT! The opening above is a 100 word short story I wrote many years ago to go with that photo. I'm quite fond of it, I think it's wonderfully creepy for just 100 words. What follows are some of the weirdest, scariest, most eerie greentexts posted at Reddit or 4-chan (and yes, I had to go there to find them. You're welcome for my sacrifice). I'm linking rather than embedding them for 2 reasons: Embedding them would make the ONT very long, and embedded many would be too small to read anyway. If you're not interested in things that go bump in the night, scroll on down and comment as usual. However, if you've ever told yourself that the distant crash from the basement was just something falling own (and convinced yourself that you absolutely did NOT hear that slithering noise afterwards), or that the goose that walked over your grave was just your imagination, or rolled over and gone back to sleep when something shakes your tent while camping (it's just the wind) - well, maybe you missed out on something not of this world. Something like, oh, I dunno...
Sometimes you just need a safe place
Oh, I forgot to mention
Just hanging around
Guardian canine
This ghost is not a bro
He got my Sprite I got my Orange Crush
Mag dump!
How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm, after they've seen AIEEEEEE!
Bloody Mary barks
The Deer Man cometh
Beep beep!
Say cheese!
A nice, relaxing, camping trip
And they say the ghost of Lucius Clay gets up and he walks around
Ghost Story
Finally, a writing prompt. If you'd like to try your hand at a short story (limit the number of characters to what Pixy allows in one post) like I did up top, try this on for size:
I'd also be interested in any of YOUR stories about scary stuff that happened to you. Post 'em below, either in greentext format or just tell it regular.
I know this isn't a normal ONT, and some of y'all may not like it, but I thought I'd try something different. Remember,
Having one ONT dedicated to the scary things that slither through the night won't kill you.
Or will it?
posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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