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November 07, 2005

Gay Cowboys Eating Pudding

Cartman explains "independent cinema."

Galley Slaves questions Andrew Sullivan's objectivity regarding gay-cowboy movie Brokeback Mountain.

Sullivan gushes about how "brave" it is that the "macho" Jake Gyllenhallenhyllenhallenhall would dare to be in a movie like this. As Galley Slaves points out, this is his stock in trade. He's basically an Indy-movie goon like Johnny Depp. Praising Jakey for playing a gay cowboy eating pudding is much like praising Parker Posey for "daring" to play a brittle, neurotic comic-relief moronbitch in an independent movie.

That's not "daring." That's her type. (She's really good at it, I have to say.)

Thanks to Wizbang! for the audio.

And thanks to utron for the tip.

posted by Ace at 08:36 PM

As an aside that some readers might find of interest, I hear that Powers Boothe is great as the gruff-but-secretly-tender ranch gym teacher in Brokeback Mountain.

Posted by: Hubris on November 7, 2005 09:22 PM

Completely OT - Why, why, why do I still watch the Lehrer NewsHour? Is it because I'm a masochist? Because I'm a RINO? Because I'm a masochistic RINO?

Posted by: Knemon on November 7, 2005 09:24 PM

I hear Hugh Jackman was up for the over-the-top supporting role of Jimmy, the 'ranch choreographer.'

Rejected. Too fey.

Posted by: Reo Symes on November 7, 2005 09:31 PM

Here's an idea, Ace: write some gay screenplays. You'll have to pretend to be gay. Or, maybe you can just be sexually ambivilent and keep them guessing.

Gay Cowboys Eating Pussy (the hell with pudding) could be a new genre and you are getting in at the begining. Go for it, big guy. :)

Posted by: on November 7, 2005 09:34 PM

Here's an idea, Ace: write some gay screenplays.

[Racing to the patent office.]

Posted by: VRWC Agent on November 7, 2005 09:40 PM

Ugh. Sullivan.

As a gay guy, who has seen a lot of gay-themed movies, I can tell you that by most standards that they are pretty much all crap. And if it wasn't for the full frontal nudity, no gay men would even bother to watch them.

I present to you a Chinese menu of the possible themes you will find in any gay-themed movie:

(1) camp
(2) someone has AIDS
(3) someone is a drug addict
(4) an ugly gay guy hooks up with a good looking gay guy
(5) gay bashing
(6) coming out plotline
(7) somebody is a gay hustler

And that's it. There's no way that mainstream America would like any of these movies because the only theme that some could possibly relate to would be the drug addict theme. Many of these movies tend to be elitist films loaded with gay references that most heterosexual viewers will not understand and they are exclusively tailored for gay men. Notice that this list only covers movies about gay men. Movies about lesbians tend to have a little more "depth" and aren't as clichéd.

Sullivan is going to be "filled with heart-ache" when mainstream America dismisses this gay cowboy pudding eating movie as crap.


Posted by: arch on November 7, 2005 09:40 PM

The Opposite of Sex was a good movie. Granted, someone dies of Aids but that is in the begining and mostly off screen. And there was no full frontal nudity. But it had a gay theme, appealed to straights, and was written and directed by Don Roos who is gay.

Posted by: on November 7, 2005 09:49 PM

Once again, the Andy Panda is spot off.

Posted by: Brain Rot on November 7, 2005 10:16 PM

Kids in the Hall had a good "gay indie cinema" sketch.

"Name's Pruitt."

Posted by: tachyonshyggy on November 7, 2005 10:46 PM

Can we talk about football?

Not gay football (soccer), the real kind.

Posted by: Bart on November 7, 2005 10:50 PM

God help me....but I simply adore Parker Posey

Posted by: The Ugly American on November 7, 2005 10:53 PM

It's impossible to take seriously a critique that includes this paragraph:

Lee directed one of my Top 40 movies, Sense and Sensibility. He then directed the cold and clinical Ice Storm. Both films had critical acclaim, but no serious commercial performance. Since then, he's directed two colossal flops: Ride with the Devil and The Hulk, both of which lost money and stunk. He isn't exactly riding a tidal wave of success into this project.
Uh, yeah, you forgetting something in there?

The dumbest part of it is, Last shouldn't need to play parlor tricks with history to make his point. The fact that Lee made a serious western starring Jewel is sufficient proof of his, uh, eccentric sensibility (which, mind you, is also what produced his landmark megahit).

Posted by: someone on November 7, 2005 10:53 PM

Regardless of whether or not the movie ends up being good or not, can we all settle on it now that it will be heretofore referred to as *Bareback* Mountain?

That's my contribution to the conversation, thank you. Tip your wait staff.

Dave at Garfield Ridge

Posted by: Dave at Garfield Ridge on November 7, 2005 10:57 PM

Anything would be an improvement upon the gigantus flop(py) labia flick...Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

That sex scene between Uma and Rain Phoenix.....

The Horror....The Hor-ror...

Posted by: The Ugly American on November 7, 2005 11:07 PM

It's a good thing for Sully that this film thankfully won't have any torture scenes with fake menstrual blood.

Posted by: The Ugly American on November 7, 2005 11:44 PM

How about a movie about gay shepards in Ireland featuring the main characters: Michael Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzmichael?

Posted by: schroedinger's cat on November 8, 2005 12:57 AM

Jake Gyllenhall macho? 'N'Sync could kick his ass... individually. Jake's picture is in the dictionary next to 'uber-pussy.' He is comfortable buying tampons! He cries during the birth of a child! He watches Olympic figure skating!

Posted by: V the K on November 8, 2005 05:49 AM

The Birdcage was laugh out loud funny. Campy gay men, living above and working in a gay club. They even had a football scene in the movie, sorta.

Doesn't have the plot depth and texture of drunken lesbian cheerleaders I'll grant you but funny as hell nevertheless.

Posted by: JackStraw on November 8, 2005 07:22 AM

Come on , Ace. Pound out a couple of gay scripts. We know you can do it.

Posted by: on November 8, 2005 08:19 AM

Is there anything more gobsmackingly vile than the thought of Andrew Sullivan salivating?

Posted by: Off R Backs on November 8, 2005 08:52 AM

Real cowboys dont eat veggieburgers and they dont ride bicycles they eat meat and potatos and ride horses and drive pick-up trucks real cowboys dont have pink chickens on their bumper stickers they have eagles instead

Posted by: spurwing plover on November 8, 2005 09:34 AM


Howzabout a brave remake of 'Midnight Cowboy'
starring Amanda Peete and Parker Posey?

- or -

remaking 'Cabaret' to include some sexually ambiguous themes?

Ellen Degeneres as the MC?
Jake Glynnlelhall in a tux?
Rosie O'Donnell as the fat butch lesbian chick in the audience? Sharing a drink with Sully (in a cameo)
Charlize Theron as Liza?

Box Office Gold


Posted by: BumperStickerist on November 8, 2005 09:35 AM

I want to see Ghey Ace of Spades HQ, The Movie. Not only will there be a ghey ace it will also focus on the numerous gheys who leave wacky ghey comments. The only straights, besides ace's inner straight guy, will be megan, arch, and Log Cabin. It can end with a huge musical dance number. :)

Posted by: on November 8, 2005 09:56 AM

And lots and lots of squeakhole jokes?

I am so down with that.

Posted by: spongeworthy on November 8, 2005 10:55 AM

Oh, why not a Busby Berkely squeakhole number?

Posted by: on November 8, 2005 11:16 AM

Alternative title:

Bareback Mountin'

Posted by: on November 8, 2005 11:18 AM

Ugh. I thought The Birdcage was embarrassingly bad. Campy in ways it didn't intend. Perhaps because I saw la Cage aux folles first. Much better movie, despite being older. And French.

Oh, god. I just admitted liking a French film.

About gay men.


Posted by: S. Weasel on November 8, 2005 11:29 AM

Well, I liked La Cage aux Folles, but I also go to poetry slams, so there you go.

Seriously, I didn't watch The Birdcage because Robin Williams totally creeps me out. He's got to be the neediest man in show business, and that's saying something.

Posted by: utron on November 8, 2005 11:44 AM

I have to admit, the first time I read about this movie the very first reaction I had was, "Will there be pudding?"

If I were the director of this movie I'd put in a pudding eating scene (but subtle!) just for the sheer coolness of acknowledging the South Park episode in an otherwise serious movie. I expect the flick will look great but be excruciatingly dull.

OTOH, there were parts of the Hulk movie I really liked. If I'm channel surfing and come across it just before the scene where he beats up the tanks, I cannot help but stik around for that. (Much like the saucer section crash in the otherwise painful Star Trek: Generations.) I think it could have been saved with only a short list of changes:

1) Get the title character in view almost immediately. This is what we paid to see. Then use flashbacks to bring us up to date on how he came into existence.

2) No gamma dogs. They just didn't work and made things silly where menace was needed.

3) A different climax battle. Like the gamma dogs sequence it was so dark you could hardly tell what was happening. Even in daylight the sequence was very abstract in parts. In a comic book we have thought balloons and captions to advance the narrative but the movie tried to do a comic book battle without those aids.

Posted by: epobirs on November 8, 2005 12:28 PM

And wasn't Heath Ledger taking far more of a risk here than Jake G? Ledger has far more investment in a manly-man image and and far less serious acting ability. A dangerous combination when taking on a risky role. By comparison, Jake G has been a parade of weirdos and sad sacks. Playing gay is just another checkbox on his resume.

Posted by: epobirs on November 8, 2005 12:34 PM
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