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November 01, 2004

Welcome to the Party, Pal

Instapundit turns on Sullivan-- hard.

And this article about "moulting hawks" is pretty good. Sure would have liked to have been linked by Instapundit when I wrote my own essay on one-time hawks who were apparently suprised to learn that people die in war.

And of course Mickey Kaus calls the Hysterical Hack "excitable," which I've been doing for some time.

You just know Sullivan wants to call Kaus a gay-baiter for calling him that. The problem is, Sullivan really is hystrionic, hysterical, and hyperbolic. We can't pretend he's not just because that's some sort of gay cliche and it would be homophobic to point it out.

Thanks to Jpok for the tip.

Update: Thanks for the link, Instapundit!

I guess I should probably stop complaining about him not linking me if he's so gracious as to actually read the site on occasion.

On the other hand, complaining seems to be working.

posted by Ace at 10:10 PM

First, I'd like to thank Warren Zevon's old band for helping me out with this comment. Hit it, boys:

Well he used to think Dubya was our only hope
Excitable boy, they all said.
Every little mistake was really rope-a-dope
Excitable boy, they all said.
Well he's just an excitable boy.

He thought the War on Terror was a test of our will
Excitable boy, they all said.
How was he to know that anyone would get killed?
Excitable boy, they all said.
Well he's just an excitable boy.

He finally turned against the war in Iraq
Excitable boy, they all said.
Just 'cause Bush wouldn't let him have a wife with a cock
Excitable boy, they all said.
Well he's just an excitable boy.

Thank you. Don't forget to tip your waitresses.

Posted by: Paul Zrimsek on November 1, 2004 10:35 PM

Could somebody remind why we have these elections again, anyway. The men in the army support Bush, the generals support Bush, the police support Bush, basically every man, jack and boy with a firearm supports Bush. All they got is a bunch of pointy-head pencilnecks, male-order brides, chicks on their eighth abortion and Michael Moore. Why dont we just lay down the law.

Posted by: wally on November 1, 2004 11:37 PM

Wally, is your email really "bigheart". Do you fly a Jolly Rogers from the back of your Viking Harley?

PS. Use dental floss. Liberal jugulars cause tooth decay, dude.

Posted by: Dear Johns on November 1, 2004 11:48 PM

Sullivan's not an excitable prick because he's gay. He's an excitable prick because he's Andrew freaking Sullivan. Other than to Sullivan, is that a hard concept to grasp? Blah to PC.

Posted by: Elric on November 2, 2004 12:08 AM

Sullivan Who?

Posted by: Rich on November 2, 2004 12:15 AM

Btw, Ace, I don't know if you noticed but Reynolds actually *did* link your essay. Well, today, but better late than never!

Posted by: Elric on November 2, 2004 12:18 AM

"Instapundit turns on Sullivan-- hard," you said, but you undercut your point by linking to Reynolds's post, since there he gave his view that AS's excitability is good or bad according to the occasion, and then ended on a point of agreement with AS:

"I suggest that these words provide a better touchstone:

"'Nothing threatens al Qaeda or the Islamo-fascist terror network more than the possibility of a constitutional democracy in Iraq. If Iraq succeeds, the entire dysfunction in the Middle East on which al Qaeda relies for its recruitment and growth would be in danger of unraveling. If Iraqis can achieve a semblance of a free and democratic society - with economic growth, political pluralism, and religious freedom - then the al Qaeda model of theocratic fascism will lose whatever appeal it now has in that part of the world. Losing Afghanistan was bad enough for the Jihadists. Seeing Iraq emerge into modernity would be fatal. . . .

"'I'm sorry, Mr Zapatero, but the liberation of millions from two of the most brutal police states in history is not now and never could be described as "a disaster." Even to utter that sentiment is to have lost even the faintest sense of moral bearings.'

"Those words, I can agree with."

Your selectivity in support of making your point is a fine thing, Mr. Spades, but providing a link undercut your strategem. Learn, and do better next time.

Posted by: Rajsekhar on November 2, 2004 12:30 AM

Ahh, such condescention is so easy from the peanut gallery. Actually, I'm not so sure you're right on this one, Raj.

This post in which he links to Ace seems to have the "Indeed" air to it. That was my take anyway.

Posted by: Elric on November 2, 2004 12:38 AM

Osama bin Laden lives. He has threatened terrorist attacks on any Red State. Will you make peace with this killer? Your vote makes this decision.

Half of this nation supports our President. Yet, half wish "For Peace in our time." A noble ambition but it did not work for Neville Chamberlain it will not work today. Peace is earned with sacrifice. You cannot negotiate with Osama bin Laden. He must die or be captured.

Give in to Osama bin Laden and some day he may tell you when to rise each day, when to pray, and what you will think. Have the terrorists’ insurgents that kill our soldiers in Iraq threatened our nation on our soil? No, they do not have the men, the material, the strategy, or the funding.

Osama bin Laden evaded our military not because of out sourcing but because he is a superior opponent with the funding and resources to evade the most sophisticated technological fighting force in history. Hitler and Saddam Hussein abused drugs and alcohol. Both were megalomaniacs with psychotic delusions. It took five years to defeat Hitler and over a year to find Saddam. Osama bin Laden does not have these vices and he is not insane. He is just a killer.

This is a World War. It is not Vietnam. We must finish the liberation and restoration of Iraq. Our Military Forces want President Bush to see this through to the end. This is their choice. Will you deny them? Those that have given their life deserve this hard fought peace. And yet what is your reply? Are you on the front line? Your vote must reflect our nations support of winning this War. We cannot and must not change our Commander in Chief.

We should respect the wishes of those that are on the front line. Do the right thing finish and this War. Let those who are fighting and dying have their say. Your vote is your voice.

Posted by: Volunteer State on November 2, 2004 12:58 AM

Well on the last night before the election, Sullivan finally comes clean for the one and only reason he's voting for Kerry

"Why does this matter? Because the Supreme Court is a paramount issue in this election. And a new nomination may come sooner than anyone thinks - perhaps the next president's most pressing domestic obligation. And that's another reason I'm for Kerry. If you're gay, or if you have a family member who is, this election is the most important in the history of the civil rights struggle. No, Kerry is by no means perfect. But he is not actively leading a movement that would strip a whole minority of basic civil rights."

Posted by: JimBob on November 2, 2004 01:10 AM

Well, I just read the Reynolds link. I wish I had the power he did to rip out and strangle someone with their own intestines but do it with a smile. Are we sure Glenn isn't some sort of super evil robot?

Btw, Raj, I'm not sure if you caught the irony you sourced. He's agreeing with Andrew Sullivan's comments that contradict Andrew Sullivan now. Really, if Reynolds' hands don't somehow detach to reveal instagib-style laser beams, I'll be shocked.

Posted by: Elric on November 2, 2004 01:16 AM
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