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« That Racist Danzinger Cartoon Explained (?) | Main | Erosion Continues: Bush Slips Behind Nationally, and in Ohio »
October 13, 2004

And I Thought Oliver Willis Was Not-Funny

H/t to Drudge. So, to get those possibly-drifting Jewish voters back into the Democratic camp, some moron has come up with a Jewish superhero -- a Jewish grandmother named "Bubbie" -- and put together a cartoon of her kicking the ass of the GOP.

It's every bit as funny as you'd think. By which I mean: Not funny. Fucking embarassing.

I did a Jewish Grandmother schtick the other day. But my schtick was ironic. (Not funny, mind you, but ironic.) I mean, the Jewish grandmother thing is such a cliche that it's only funny when you're playing it as a cliche.

Not for real. Then it's just fucking stupid and trite.

This asshole really seems to think that Jews need a Jewish cartoon character to inspire them to vote the right way.

Eh. Or, should I say: Feh.

It remains an amazement to me that I am not yet on television.

Update: The Hebrew-sounding synth music is really subtle, too.

I'm not saying it's racist or anti-semitic, mind you. It's just... jackass.

In order to do my part to convert Jewish voters to the GOP, I'm going to spend the next week talking about nothing except Fiddler on the Roof and Ben Gazzarra.

Better Still: I'll get Bowzer to guest-blog. That'll bring the Jewish vote.

Because, if I know one thing about politics, I know this to be diamond-hard fact:

Jews. Love. Fuckin'. Bowzer.


posted by Ace at 05:04 PM

I saw this idiotic thing this morning. Pathetic JibJab wanna be.

Posted by: blakjack on October 13, 2004 05:24 PM

My goodness... that had the potential of being funny... but once the grandmother began spouting talking points I shut it off. You'd think they'd be able to make it at least a *little* funny.

Posted by: Rob on October 13, 2004 05:33 PM

This was pretty offensive in of itself. THat it was hosted by an official arm of the DNC is extremely offensive. You would think after that little to-do in Europe 60 or so years ago the JEws would be more sensitive about wildly inaccurate charges made in the form of grotesque caricature.

Posted by: Eric Pobirs on October 13, 2004 07:03 PM

Fuck This is possibly even more outrageous than that Condi-as-plantation-mammy cartoon. I can't believe Jews were involved in creating this. The part where Perle and Wolfowitz say "we're one of you" and start doing the hora hit me right in the gut; it's very nearly anti-Semitic.

Actually this reminds me of that stupid "Choice Girl" animation they had a while ago, down to almost every detail. Maybe next week it'll be "Trial Lawyer Man".

Posted by: Yaron on October 14, 2004 12:15 AM

Nah, come on. I don't think it's actually anti-semitic. Even if Jews weren't involved with it, I don't think it's anti-semitic.

I don't like the left's tendency to take EVERY play on an ethnic stereotype, no matter how inoffensively meant, as an "outrage" (at least when committed by political opponents).

The cartoon is fucking stupid and jackass and yeah, trite in its peddling of a very well-worn Jewish grandma stereotype. But I think we have to distinguish bad humor from ill humor.

Posted by: ace on October 14, 2004 01:22 AM

Well, nearly so. Taken out of context, showing Perle and Wolfowitz doing the hora might seem like an innocent joke (not a funny joke, but that's another story), but given the vitriol at the Jews/"neo-cons" who have been involved in creating our foreign policy, I'd say it's treading on very thin ice.

Posted by: Yaron on October 14, 2004 11:16 AM

"Pathetic JibJab wanna be."

I'm glad someone else noticed the animation style was a poor imitation of Jibjab.

Posted by: Yehudit on October 15, 2004 05:37 AM
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Posted by: Joe "Dolly" Biden
"C'mon, man! You just don' don't see how much we've done! How more employment for soft-shell monkey sandwich in a giggly-hole...and the little girls who can now smell like banana pudding because of my border mind control..." Posted by: ZOD
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
-- Alvin Toffler
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We screwed up.
But he still failed to beat the low, low expectations we set. We spotted him thirty points and he still threw six interceptions for touchdowns.
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Bari Weiss: "They Knew."
Rarely are so many lies dispelled in a single moment. Rarely are so many people exposed as liars and sycophants. Last night's debate was a watershed on both counts. The debate was not just a catastrophe for President Biden. And boy--oy--was it ever. But it was more than that. It was a catastrophe for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits, who have, since 2020, insisted that Biden was sharp as a tack, on top of his game, basically doing handstands while peppering his staff with tough questions about care for migrant children and aid to Ukraine. Anyone who committed the sin of using their own eyes on the 46th president was accused, variously, of being Trumpers; MAGA cult members who don't want American democracy to survive; ageists; or just dummies easily duped by "disinformation," "misinformation," "fake news," and, most recently, "cheapfakes."
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