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« Blaster Sneaks and Peeks at Kerry's Record | Main | Going Into the Fourth Quarter with a Four-Point Lead »
October 09, 2004

Son of Nixon is Back From Hiatus...

...and he still wants to know: If John Kerry is so down on "tax cuts for the rich," why did he choose to pay the lower state tax rate in Massachusetts, rather than the voluntarily-selected higher tax rate?

I'd like to know too.

You know who doesn't want to know?

Mark Fucking Halperin, that's who.

posted by Ace at 06:23 PM

Andrew Sullivan claims he still hasn't decided:

ME TOO: Josh Chafetz reflects on where he is in this race. Bottom line: "Undecided ... but leaning more towards Kerry than I was before." That's where I am. Josh's arguments are very close to my own thoughts as well. I cannot support Bush but I'm amazed I'm this close to considering favoring Kerry as president. I'm not there yet. Don't rush me. But after two debates, I feel far more comfortable with the thought of him as commander-in-chief than I once thought possible.

Posted by: Mark on October 9, 2004 06:45 PM

I'm shocked, Mark. And I'm not easily offended either.

Posted by: Joe R. the Unabrewer on October 9, 2004 07:23 PM

Am I the only one that noticed Kerry's comment at the debate friday night that was rank elitist classism. He said that 'looking around at the audience' that probably only himself, Bush and Charley were wealthy tax payers. To me that smacked of acute snobbery especially coming from a man who married his money.

Posted by: Philip Nord on October 9, 2004 07:45 PM

Andrew Sullivan will decide who to support. . . on November 3rd.

Ace-- didya see Drudge? We may need to rename Akron "Urinetown":


Posted by: Dave at Garfield Ridge on October 9, 2004 08:23 PM

Andrew Sullivan is a liar. I have a plan that will take his right to BS away. I have a plan to see he pays his fair share of taxes. I have a plan to pay for his mother's abortion of him (she did raise the afterbirth). I have a plan to make him vulnerable to sneak attacks for neocons. I have lots and lots of plans. Nov. 3rd I'll explain them BWAHHAAAAHHHHAAA!

Posted by: Roundguy on October 10, 2004 12:54 AM

Note that Kerry is now beating Bush in Prescott Bush's old CT stomping grounds, despite the fact that Republicans outnumber Democrats. And the despite the fact that Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy REALLY help the wealthiest in Fairfield County where the richest 1% are getting a 485,000 tax cut over 6 years from borrowed Chinese money, compared to bedrock Republican Kansas's richest 1% only getting 186,000 in China-loaned kickbacks - because the top 1% in Kansas make a mere 747,000 in family income a year.

The reason is they are happy to scoop up the money Bush is borrowing to give to the rich, but moderate Republicans in the NE, Illinois, and the West Coast share few of Bush's values. They think he is a radical conservative and trapped in a Religious Right moral environment - so they think Kerry is more palatable on many issues.

Why don't the wealthiest moderate Republicans give it back if they think Bush went too far in busting the budget to reward the richest?

Because - They didn't get in the richest 1% by just giving undeserved government largess away. And if someone is stupid enough to give the rich a windfall profit, their nature - Democrat like Soros, moderate like the Republican Microsoft multimillionaires, or bible-thumping "Go Dubya!" Republican texas oilmen - is to pocket the money.

Posted by: Cedarford on October 10, 2004 01:27 AM

Let me suggest a meme concerning Mr. Mark Halperin.

It can be found here.

Posted by: Natalie on October 10, 2004 12:22 PM


You are so full of bullshit hyper-PRETEND-intellectualism- newspeak that you can't see the forest for the trees.

If I said to you that Fairfield County is liberal because all the old paleo-con bluebloods have died and they let their kids be educated by fucking ivy league commies, you'd say:

"despite the fact that Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy REALLY help the wealthiest in Fairfield County where the richest 1% are getting a 485,000 tax cut over 6 years from borrowed Chinese money, compared to bedrock Republican Kansas's richest 1% only getting 186,000 in China-loaned kickbacks - because the top 1% in Kansas make a mere 747,000 in family income a year...."


Where do you work, Cedarford? What do you do for a living??

Posted by: lauraw on October 10, 2004 09:21 PM

-Not to mention all the celebrities and other assorted phonies that live there now, and the New Yorkers.

Sorry, Cedarford. Have had a bit of VO tonight.

But if you and I were in a restaurant, I'd order the green beans, and you'd order the Haricots Verts.

Posted by: lauraw on October 10, 2004 10:06 PM

I think Mr. Cedarford is actually the attorney for the Fruit Fucker 2000, first mentioned hyar:

and continuing hyar:

thankfully ending hyar:

I think. I seem to recall there being another episode about a giant Fruit Fucker, but I haven't found it yet.

Posted by: Mr. Bowen on October 10, 2004 11:45 PM

Oh yeah, here it is. Fruit Fucker PRIME. Revel in teh funnay, my friends.

Posted by: Mr. Bowen on October 11, 2004 12:22 AM
Am I the only one that noticed Kerry's comment at the debate friday night that was rank elitist classism. He said that 'looking around at the audience' that probably only himself, Bush and Charley were wealthy tax payers.

How odd that he did not add his wife, Teresa, to the list.

Posted by: Mark on October 11, 2004 12:28 AM

Lauraw - And you are too blind to see the Neocon's high water mark was a long time ago and tax cuts for the wealthy have failed to generate trickledown, jobs, and just as important, failed to generate loyalty in their prime beneficiaries.

VO or not - if you evaluate the fiscal prudency of borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars from China, Japan, the UK bankers, Saudi Arabia, and France to reward the richest Americans - with no appreciable gains to ordinary Americans - that is a whole different thing than fairly rebating a budget surplus to those who paid the taxes that generated that surplus...and you should have the brains to understand the difference.

Posted by: Cedarford on October 11, 2004 01:53 AM
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