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« Bush Leads by Three in Dem-Skewing CBSNYT Poll | Main | Bin Ladin Offers Truce to Any State Voting for Kerry »
November 01, 2004

Gallup: Tied 49-49

Kerry holds 5 point edge in battleground states.

Not good.

It would probably be a good idea to vote.

posted by Ace at 04:05 AM

I almost don't want to watch.

Let me contort a bit. How many millions of voters have already voted? And they voted when Bush was in the lead. Assuming it's a tie between voters going into the polls on Tuesday, does Bush still have an edge due to early votes?

Not mathematically sound, I know.

But I need something to hold onto with a death grip.

Posted by: Rob on November 1, 2004 04:38 AM
Posted by: Lastango on November 1, 2004 04:47 AM

Dude, this is the result of allocating undecideds to Kerry 9-to-1!

Not gonna happen. Expect victory.

Posted by: someone on November 1, 2004 04:52 AM

Oh thank Christ.

Posted by: Rob on November 1, 2004 04:52 AM

This is a good time to pray.

I think our prayers will be granted.

Posted by: David Blue on November 1, 2004 07:15 AM

Weekend polling always slants to the democrats. Republicans tend to be out and about on the weekends.

Posted by: Scout on November 1, 2004 08:01 AM

Despite all these pollsters training, it all comes down to guessing on their parts. They can inject all the science and mathematics they want, but it still boils down to them taking a small pool and extrapolating. They massage the data so that it meets certain assumptions they have made. This election year, we have seen polls taken by two organizations on the same day reveal widely different results, and we have seen two polls taken days apart by the same polling company do the same within a few days. Either the American people are the most schizophrenic people around or polls are just not that accurate a measure of anything.

Posted by: Steve L. on November 1, 2004 08:42 AM
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This year, I await that day. I want to catch it again.

Posted by: Nightwatch
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Thanks to Sharon (willow's apprentice).
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Both Michigan's Appeals Court and North Carolina's Supreme Court have reversed lower (Hawaiian judge) rulings keeping RFKJr.'s name on the ballot. Democrats want to keep his name on the ballot because they don't want RFKJr.'s voters voting for the man RFKJr. endorsed, Trump. Republicans want him off (as RFKJr. himself demanded) so that they will.

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BREAKING: Michigan Appeals Court just ordered that RFK Jr.'s name will be taken off the ballot!
Leading Report

BREAKING: North Carolina Court of Appeals has ordered Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s name to be taken off the general election ballot in the state.

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