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October 31, 2004

Hiring Picks Up in October

Another 175,000 jobs likely added this month.

We sure seem to be adding a lot of new jobs given that we're in the worst economy since Herbert Hoover.

Thanks to Insty.

posted by Ace at 05:44 PM

Once the MSM stop their Great Depression propaganda after Bush wins, a Kerry-Free economic boom will occur.

Posted by: on October 31, 2004 07:16 PM

The 8-year average under Clinton was 260,000 jobs a month added, most well-paying. About 2/3rds of the jobs Bush has added with his government borrowed money given to the richest strategy - are low paying service sector or parasitic Gov't jobs as Dubya expands Gov't at LBJ record levels.

And he is still the first President to lose jobs since Hoover.

It is good that the media is ignoring the disappointing new job numbers and concentrating on the horserace. Before we outsourced much of what we made, we would see the 4% GNP growth reflected in augmented domestic production vs. a few owners and distributers adding cost on to imports and calling it "GNP growth". Historically, GNP 4% growth results in 2.5-3% job creation growth. At least 290,000 jobs a month.

The trickledown Bush promised would create 7.0 million jobs if his foreign - funded 2002 tax cuts were adopted have only created 1.8 million. Bush is 1.3 million in the hole.

Trickledown has failed. Will Bush admit it? Fuck no! He will go with more "tax cuts" for his cronies if re-elected.

His hope is the fact that the declining middle class still doesn't want a Mass liberal doing SCOTUS appontments, and this Mass Senator is a bunch less likable than the real JFK.

Posted by: Cedarford on October 31, 2004 07:21 PM


The fact is the Clinton left behind these huge economic messes

1. A recession that started in the Fall of 99.
2. An Internet Bubble that burst and took 2 trillion dollars out of the economy.
3. 9/11 which stopped all economic activity for 3 months and ruined the travel industry for 18 months.

If Gore had been president he would have done the same thing that Kerry would have-nothing.
And today’s unemployment rate would be 14%.

Clinton created an economic disaster in 1999 and only Bush’s tax cut saved the nation.

Posted by: Jake on October 31, 2004 07:40 PM

As I've seen commented on before, so many of those jobs created during the tech bubble didn't really deserve to exist. For example, there was an web design company here in town that had over a hundred employees and 3 layers of management. Wanna know how many sites they actually built and managed...maybe 2 dozen. They just smoke and mirrored for 3 years receiving and blowing all sorts of millions of dollars of VC (Herman Miller chairs galore, a slurpee machine, the over a hundred employees to handle nothing) and in the end there was a endless supply of resumes flooding the 6 person shop I worked at looking for work. Now this is one example in a relatively non-tech area of the country of 75 useless jobs at one company being lost. I can only imagine that multiplied over the whole country.

Posted by: Paul B. on October 31, 2004 07:57 PM

That's good news, no comment necessary.

Except for one: I'm not so interested in new hires this week.

I'm interested in one, very important *REHIRE.*



Posted by: Dave at Garfield Ridge on October 31, 2004 08:29 PM

Jake - The fact is that FDR inherited the Great Depression. He also had trade tariffs that prevented our exporting goods and services to create jobs. Then Hirohito and Hitler came along.

He still created jobs every year.

And Dubya has done WHAT with the 2 trillion he borrowed from the Saudis, Chinese, Japanese, and the Swiss Gnomes? Palace building for America's Tikriti Clan a la Saddam??

Posted by: Cedarford on October 31, 2004 08:49 PM


FDR created alot of make-work jobs during the "alphabet-soup" agency days. Is this what you are prescribing? You aren't a fan of "trickle-down," a.k.a capitalism. Do you or Kerry have another idea?

Posted by: Golden Boy on October 31, 2004 09:06 PM

Paul B. nails it. Many of those "high-paying" jobs were in the tech sector. The internet companies like,,, never had a chance- but they paid well until they croaked. There was also a boom in tech manufacturing (which I was in) that was directly related to massive corporate buying prior to y2k. Both of these were artificial events- there had to be a correction. Add on the impact of 9/11, and I'm surprised the economy is as good as it is.

Posted by: Jack Grey on October 31, 2004 09:08 PM


You nailed it regarding Y2K. I saw the massive infrastructure upgrades and tech worker employment influx first-hand in the late 90's. Come early 2000, the artificial boom came crashing down. You can see the actual numbers charted here.

Posted by: Golden Boy on October 31, 2004 09:50 PM

Doesn't this warrant some cowbell?

Posted by: Sean M. on November 1, 2004 03:56 AM
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