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October 10, 2004

Don't Click On This Unless You Want the Cockles of Your Heart Warmed

Seriously, just don't.

posted by Ace at 06:58 PM


Posted by: Larry Jones on October 10, 2004 07:16 PM

My cockles are on fire!

Posted by: BrewFan on October 10, 2004 07:49 PM

Let's do some math.

"What is the single most important issue?"

Iraq + Terrorism = 50% = Bush43^2

Posted by: The Black Republican on October 10, 2004 08:00 PM

What's a cockle?
I like the poll.

Posted by: Nomorelies on October 10, 2004 08:06 PM

I don't know... these so-called swing voters drive me crazy. Apoplectic.

Posted by: Knievel on October 10, 2004 08:16 PM

It would seem that people on both sides see what they "want" to see.

Myself, it does make be feel good to see a real trend developing based on the chart of swing state visits. Is it just me? Or could it be that the more Kerry vists the swing states, the lower his numbers go.

I hear Kerry open his mouth and toss out sound bytes like; "Global Test", "I have a plan", "Depends on the results" and wonder; Who exactly is buying this? Are the left-leaning folks actually thinking that this is what they really need in the Whitehouse?

The comments Kerry made with regard to "getting us back to the days where terrorism was like prostitution and illegal gambling and it being simply an annoyance that didn't effect us" seem to me should raise a huge red flag with anyone who's paying attention. The fact that he made these to a NY based magazine seem to indicate just how clueless Kerry is. Are the Democrats so desperate that they don't see a problem with how much this guy waffles on his position on every issue?

Kerry appearing with the likes of Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson at two churches today further indicates to me the levels to which Kerry is willing to pander, lie, cheat, and whatever to get into the Whitehouse. In summary, Kerry and Edwards are getting scared as time passes. The more they talk, the more anyone listening can see the truth.

I persnally hope that Kerry and Edwards hit the swing states a few more times this week. If for no other reason, to allow the people listening to see through the bullshit they're selling....

Posted by: Bitsmasher on October 10, 2004 08:28 PM

"The fact that he made these to a NY based magazine seem to indicate just how clueless Kerry is."

Well...not really. I had a friend in NYC who saw the towers fall from his apartment.
Within a few days, he was all, 'the US got what it deserved...' without actually saying those words. He just repeated Chomsky's line at the time.

He made a point to tell me that the further you get from New York, the less people truly understand the attacks in the proper light.

I took this to mean that my name is Cletus, and that the mass slaughter of my fellow countrymen is quite beyond my dim instincts, and I have no right to opine.

There is a particular animal called the NYC Liberal, and it is indescribable.

Posted by: lauraw on October 10, 2004 10:02 PM

Okay, Ace, we seem to have a problem here. I clicked on the link and experienced the cockles-warming thing, exactly as advertised. Then I scrolled down a bit and saw that the WaPo's panel of non-partisan pundits had picked what they consider to be the hottest races.

First, I saw Louisiana, where I now live. I'm sorry, but even Kerry has given up on this state. He pulled all advertising, and the numbers suggest he was right to do it. This is not a close state.

Then I saw that Utah was on the list. Utah? Let me re-emphasise that: UTAH!?!?!? What kind of crack are these people smoking? There are maybe fifty Demos in the whole state, and everyone else considers voting a religious duty. Don't give me that crap about Utah being a hot race. Just, please.

Posted by: Sobek on October 10, 2004 11:38 PM

I still think it's hillarious that Kerry and the DNC are buying ads atevery commercial break in Washington and Oregon, which should be electoral safe-houses for a Dem. He's screwed and he apparently knows it better than his followers. Either that, or this is some sort of evil Karl Rove reverse-psychology. See, by pulling his ads in the swing states, they are probably INCREASING his appeal. Kind of Like Hillary, the more people see her, the less they want to vote for her. Yeah, that's it!

Posted by: Dacotti on October 11, 2004 09:19 AM

Consider my cockles: warmed.

Posted by: sonofnixon on October 11, 2004 09:42 AM

Dunno about warmed, but my cockle is hard as a rock.

Posted by: Bill from INDC on October 11, 2004 11:03 AM


That "hottest races" thingy has tabs for House, Senate and governor races. the default is to House of Representatives races, and it is reasonable that there is a competitive district somewhere in Utah.

Posted by: David on October 11, 2004 12:30 PM said cockles.

Posted by: Da Goddess on October 11, 2004 01:23 PM
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