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« Missing From Andrew Sullivan's Critiques: "I Was Wrong" | Main | The New Cartoon »
October 08, 2004

Wonder if Sullivan Will Quote This Bremer Statement

Sullivan's been a bear for Bremer's statement that we didn't have enough troops in Iraq-- a critique that once again dovetails nicely with Sullivan's partisan interest in attacking Bush while simultaneously protecting his ego from an admission of fault on his own part.

Greg tips to this fuller statement by Bremer:

It's no secret that during my time in Iraq I had tactical disagreements with others, including military commanders on the ground. Such disagreements among individuals of good will happen all the time, particularly in war and postwar situations. I believe it would have been helpful to have had more troops early on to stop the looting that did so much damage to Iraq's already decrepit infrastructure. The military commanders believed we had enough American troops in Iraq and that having a larger American military presence would have been counterproductive because it would have alienated Iraqis. That was a reasonable point of view, and it may have been right. The truth is that we'll never know.

But during the 14 months I was in Iraq, the administration,
the military and I all agreed that the coalition's top
priority was a broad, sustained effort to train Iraqis to
take more responsibility for their own security. This
effort, financed in large measure by the emergency
supplemental budget approved by Congress last year,
continues today. In the end, Iraq's security must depend on

Partisan critics of the war feel free to make inconsistent criticisms. On one hand, they make much noise about the American forces feeling like "occupiers" to the residents of Iraq (or Afghanistan). But they will often in the same breath argue for much higher troop concentrations in these countries, apparently forgetting, conveniently enough, their previous claims about the need for a light footprint in Muslim countries. They forget this other criticism, one made from the left, just long enough to make a tough-sounding criticism from the right.

Life is a series of tradeoffs and guesstimates and just plain winging it, and war especially so -- but with many more life-and-death consequences. Sullivan pounds what he calls kneejerk partisan defenders of Bush, who never seem willing to concede any mistake on the President's behalf. But it is it any less kneejerk-partisan to make these conveniently-simplistic critiques without full exploring the tradeoff implicit in the decisions?

Is it perhaps the case that Kerry, and his champion Sullivan, are not quite nuanced enough in their analysis? Surely they must be ashamed to make arguments about war and peace which are so filled with troglodytic American simplissime.

Update! Corrected Link! Sorry for the loose shit.

posted by Ace at 10:38 AM

"But it is it any less kneejerk-partisan to make these conveniently-simplistic critiques without full exploring the tradeoff implicit in the decisions?"

Hast hit the mark and followed through to the hilt.

Unfortunately, the Left is not bothered by hypocrisy. Not.One.Bit.

Posted by: Joan of Argghh! on October 8, 2004 10:52 AM

Missing also is the awareness that Tommy Franks had to adjust, on the fly, to Turkey's refusal to allow Fourth Mech to go through and attack from the north. A delay to bring the 4th Infantry Division around would have put the rest of the plan in jepardy because of deteriorating weather, not to mention the problems of supplying another engaged division over the same roads the others were using.

Posted by: Peter on October 8, 2004 11:06 AM


I thought we discussed this before, but *please* do not use the word "bear" in any piece about Andrew Sullivan.

It oogs me out.


Posted by: Dave at Garfield Ridge on October 8, 2004 11:28 AM

Y'know, when I first started reading your site, I was fairly defensive about Andrew Sullivan and believed that he was justified in being peeved enough about gay marriage to not endorse Bush. I still believe that to an extent, seeing that the Log Cabin Republicans are also refusing to endorse him on the basis of that truly unconservative amendment.

But now, and perhaps it's always been this way, his blog amounts to a series of gob-smackingly vile adjectives and superficial criticisms to criticize President Bush. I find myself going to his site and holding my breath until I find some intellectually honest commentary. I can't wait until Nov. 1 or Nov. 2 when he finally lets the dam burst and endorses Kerry for his fiscal conservativeness, cautiousness in international affairs, willingness to criticize himself and Edwards's optimistic outlook and ability to bring America out of the doom and gloom of the past three year's with his sunny - and sexy! - demeanor.

For me, what really got me was his over the top criticisms of Jonah and his accusations of "kool-aid" drinking with Jay Nordlinger. Seriously dude, get over yourself.

Posted by: Dave #2 on October 8, 2004 12:48 PM

Time for a reality check. Mistakes were made in Iraq. No fooling! Guess what, mistakes were made in every single war America has fought. That doesn't make a war wrong. Should FDR/Eisenhower have been fired for failing to be prepared for the hedge rows in Normandy? Does it mean that D-Day was illegitimate? NO!!! The reason why the Democrats can't win the election is simple. They are only capable of being back seat drivers. They are followers, not leaders!!!

Posted by: Tanker Schreiber on October 8, 2004 01:03 PM

Starting to feel like Michael Corleone in Godfather 3? You try to ignore him until he gets so shrill, well, go get him Ace. It looks like Jonah Goldberg is sparing no words for Sullivan either (although he doesn't point him out by name).

I found Sullivan's attacks on Belmont Club especially vitriolic and distasteful. But then again, I've noticed that before =\. Wretchard is being such a class act in spite of it though.

Course I spent 5 pages ripping on him and calling Sullivan a box turtle. I'm proud to say I have no such class :)

Posted by: Elric on October 8, 2004 01:38 PM

I'm sure Sully's sore T-cells are to blame and as soon as they perk up he'll be able to see the error of his ways.... That or he is an intellectually dishonest one issue hack...

Posted by: James on October 8, 2004 02:48 PM

Elric well said. i have been following that debate as well. How dare Andrew Sullivan go after someone as brilliant Wretchard. Sullivan actually called wretchard a "partisan republican spinning the facts" Funny I believe I found the belmont club via the daily dish. has anyone else noticed that AS refers to the Belmont Club as "they". What is that about?

Posted by: lenni on October 8, 2004 03:24 PM

I dont want to defend Sullivan (he's more than capable) but I do share many of his views on Iraq. I simply havent come to the same conclusions about dumping Bush being productive. Anyway, I dont think the issue is whether we properly hit the ground running in Iraq. Anyone serious agrees that there was simply no way to anticipate how things would look, and obviously war never goes according to plan (ie the 4th ID). What pisses me off is the lack of flexibility and adaptation in the last year and a half. Bremer was a fiasco and Bush should have been on top of him. There should not have been _any_ squabbling in the occupation, it was a military occupation and the only way for it to be effective was to have undivided command. If Bremer had that authority, he never used it. The military carried their end brilliantly and the civilians totally failed. There was never the appreciation for how critical reconstruction was and how time was of the essence. Instead Iraq was treated like a highway project, and the administration bears that blame ultimately. For that I may never forgive Bush, but he's still the better man for the job.

Posted by: Mark Buehner on October 8, 2004 03:49 PM

Hey, Ace. Get over Sullivan. He's an intellectualy dishonest hack at this point.

Yes, I used to read him religiously too. He alternately eloquently re-enforced my thinking or challenged me to examine it in a different light. But them days is over.

I have NO sympathy for any supporters of Kerry. The contortions in reason required to argue for any of his policies without breaking into hysterical laughter is beyond the ability of anyone with a triple digit IQ. Has there ever been a worse candidate for President in the history of the United States? It says something scary about our country that he remains in serious contention.

Kerry has one idea to which he cleaves to the exclusion of all else. To get elected. Period.

Sullivan clutchs one idea above all other considerations. Sex with whom he pleases, however he pleases.

Both of them will perform any necessary mental gymnastics to support whatever policy appears most likely to achieve their goals - at this moment. If it becomes desirable to do a quick 180 to lend a voice to totally different ideas, they are fine with that. Like little children who only care about getting their way. And throwing tantrums when they don't.

Thinking people quit reading Sullivan long ago. Why keep him in the public eye any longer? He is a lost cause. And you risk appearing fixiated on him. If you MUST read his superior little screeds, do so in private. I'm here because I enjoy your take on things, not Sullivan's. (Or Willis, Marshall, or any of the other usual suspects.) Let his blog die a graceful death, as reasonable people realize he has nothing useful left to say.

Posted by: Bruce Badger on October 8, 2004 04:34 PM

What no one is mentioning is that HIV, as well as the anti-retroviral drugs, have deleterious effects on the central nervous system. Sullivan is on a downhill spiral, very much like someone with Alzheimer's. From now until the inevitable end, everything he says will be suspect.

Posted by: Doctor Who on October 8, 2004 04:47 PM


Don't know if you've seen this, but Wretchard took Sullivan out back and gave him a spanking again.

Posted by: addison on October 8, 2004 05:33 PM

Hey Ace, DON'T "get over" Sullivan.

Better angels are NOT prevailing in this war of ideas, and you have to patiently slice like a fuckin' hammer until you've rendered that sore-ass hypocrite's blog into a greasy spot in the blogosphere.

Today's payday. Where's that PayPal button....

Posted by: Joan of Argghh! on October 8, 2004 05:53 PM

Sullivan is one sick puppy folks.

Posted by: JimBob on October 8, 2004 07:41 PM
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