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« FoxNews Ain't Afraid to Say the Obvious: Rathergate Forgeries Were Likely Criminal | Main | Breaking News: Apolitical Citizens Worry That John Kerry Will Raise Taxes to 90% on All Income Levels and Outlaw Christianity »
September 30, 2004

Bill From INDC Scores Reporting Coup

Interviews reporter & producers responsible for fake-email/fake-Republican draft story.

Great job, Bill. I'd be so happy for you if I weren't boiling over with seething jealousy.

I'd still like to know the following:

Do all the people involved in this matter believe that reporting about chain emails without mentioning they're false is responsible?

Would they similarly put up sham emails while implicitly vouching for their accuracy -- using the emails as the news peg -- if the emails in question stated erroneous facts that damaged John Kerry?

What is their rationale is for refusing to re-report on the story and stating, explicitly, that the text in the emails is inaccurate? These reporters always claim they just want to "get the truth out there," but when the "truth" might undermine their credibility or previous reporting, suddenly "the truth" is irrelevant.

I think the reporters and producers are fundamentally dishonest, by the way. Confronted with Bill's common-sense question about putting up false emails as a news peg, they all attempt to pretend that Gee, that never even occurred to me.

If it didn't occur to them, they should be fired for incompetence.

They also all claim that the emails weren't important to the story, which is sort of odd-- since when do reporters carefully scripting and cutting a three-minute piece include irrelevant information?

If the emails weren't important, why did they feature them?

And finally, note their eagerness to get a "Republican woman" (right) as their subject. They say that they didn't include a left-winger because that would be taken as suspect. And yet they also seem to be implying that the story wasn't particularly harmful to Bush; that the story was about both parties equally.

If it's about both parties equally-- why the driving need to get a "Republican voter" who just happens to associate with International ANSWER as a subject?

Update: PrestoPundit catches the CBS News reporters almost saying their report was fake, but accurate.

Turns out it really doesn't matter if there's any chance of a draft, or if the emails were fake.

posted by Ace at 01:51 AM

It's a green eyed monster.

And wait for the director's cut, with 100% more mean comments about bloggers.

Posted by: Bill from INDC on September 30, 2004 01:55 AM

"Draftgate" was run in order to distract everyone from the more important, more criminal "Memogate".

"Look Kids! A shiny object!"

Posted by: johnd01 on September 30, 2004 02:21 AM

Be careful about linking Ms. Cocco to the CPUSA folks. Don't presume that "People Against the Draft" = "Parents Against the Draft," even though the former lists Ms. Cocco on their website as an "affiliate."

My own digging about Ms. Cocco, however, suggests that whatever her political stripes, she's definitely not the soccer mom that CBS News portrayed her as -- having corresponded with a Congressman on this issue via letters to the editor back in June-July, and having cross-examined Sen. Arlen Specter about it (per another letter to the editor) in August.

Posted by: Beldar on September 30, 2004 06:35 AM

Why would CBS hold this story back or play it fair? Their credibility's already shot to anyone who both cares and pays attention.

Since they seem to be going for broke to unseat Bush, expect the Nigerian yellowcake forgery story to somehow make it back onto their schedule in October.

Posted by: Starshatterer on September 30, 2004 11:09 AM

Ace, your lack of nuance is disappointing. Remember, there's the "truth," and then there's "The Truth."

Posted by: Sobek on September 30, 2004 11:15 AM

The average IQ of bloggers is at least one standard deviation above that of journalists. The lack of critical reasoning ability of journalists is shocking. I guess you major in journalism when you are too stupid to major in anything else and don't wanna be a teacher.

Posted by: Mark on September 30, 2004 11:32 AM

It is not that the e-mails are irrelevant, it is that "The truth of the e-mails were absolutely irrelevant" according to producer Karas. It has only taken a month to go from "Fake but Accurate" to "We don't give a shit."

Posted by: Terry Notus on September 30, 2004 02:29 PM
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Classics of Yacht Rock Mystery Click
Oh but it's all right
Once you get past the pain
You'll learn to find your love again
So keep your heart open

This is a fantastic (casual) driving song, when you're actually driving a little below the speed limit because you don't really have anywhere to be.
Going forward, if we have any arguments about what is or what is not Yacht Rock, we can just consult the Yacht or Nyacht? website, which has ranked hundreds of songs according to their Yacht Quotient (YQ). I can see this website stopping arguments, fistfights, and formal duels.
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