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November 01, 2004

Ex-JAG Officer: Kerry Dishonorably Discharged

Why does it take three years for this man's supposed honorable discharge to be issued?

The mainstream media is having a field day not covering this one. Of course, when it all comes out after Kerry is elected, they'll claim "How could we have known?"

Well, you're on notice:

Kerry spokesmen have also repeatedly said that the senator has an honorable discharge. And there is indeed a cover letter to an honorable discharge dated February 16,1978,on the Kerry Web site. It is in form and reference to regulation exactly the same as one granted Swiftboat Veterans for Truth member Robert Shirley on March 12, 1971, during a periodic "reduction in force (RIF)" by the Naval Reserve. The only significant difference between Mr. Kerry's and Mr. Shirley's is the signature information and the dates. In a RIF, officers who no longer have skills or are of an age group the Navy wishes to keep in reserve are involuntarily separated by the Navy and given their appropriate discharge. This is a normal and ongoing activity and there is no stigma attached to it.

Kerry spokesman David Wade did not reply when asked if Mr. Kerry was other than honorably discharged before he was honorably discharged.

Hundreds of reporters working on the Bush AWOL lie, but not a single MSM reporter looking into Kerry's discharge. Or his three faked Purple Hearts.

posted by Ace at 11:18 AM

I think that we will all witness an amazing transformation in the media if Kerry wins. They will turn on him. They have to because they have to have something to put in the sound bite. This story will be covered as a "shocker" blah blah blah. Either way, the media has damaged itself beyond repair to a huge segment of the population.

Btw, Redstate has a good piece up right now about the hysteria in the media and polls and the need of the MSM to steer this hysteria. It is a calming article. Just vote is the message and the sky is not falling.

Posted by: Jennifer on November 1, 2004 11:23 AM

Do you even realize how pathetice you people sound trotting this crap out on November 1st?

Nope. Probably not.

Posted by: on November 1, 2004 11:26 AM

You know how pathetic your candidate looks for being a stooge of the Vietnamese Communist Party and being "Other Than Honorably" discharged over it?

Nope. Probably not.

Posted by: on November 1, 2004 11:45 AM

That post would have a bit more sting if you didn't misspell "pathetic", champ.

Posted by: Alex on November 1, 2004 11:46 AM

You realize how pathetic you look posting anonymously? You realize how pathetic the MSM media looks that they are so terribly biased all the while denying it? You know how pathetic the left looks when they are willing to do anything, including destroying our democracy, to win a presidential race?

Posted by: Carin on November 1, 2004 11:47 AM

Please do not feed the trolls. They care not a whit about Kerry's likely less than honorable discharge. They would not care if Kerry admitted he enjoyed eating live puppies and kittens. Sad.

Posted by: The Old Coot on November 1, 2004 11:56 AM

If Kerry does win, I would suspect that Republicans, a while after inauguration, would call for release of Kerry's full military record. The Republicans could rightfully cite the fact that the country, and serving soldiers, have a right to know the full record of the Commander in Chief.

The MSM would have a hard time ignoring this and would have a harder time simply calling it "dirty politics" due to the fact that Bush released all his records while in office.

If would prove interesting if it ws then discovered that Kerry had been discharged with less than an honorable discharge. It would be more interesting if it were found that the Carter administration had then changed it.

Posted by: J M Galvin on November 1, 2004 12:00 PM

It may be pathetic to you but it is not new. We have had to wait 30 years but sooner or later we will be heard and he will be exposed. Sorry you have been so mislead or uninformed through out your young life. Wait until you look back at this in 20 years. If you perfer to be shouted down and contolled by a gov't selected by MSM be all means vote for him.

Posted by: Screaming Eagle on November 1, 2004 12:08 PM

To be fair, only two of the purple hearts are completely bogus. One of them is possibly not the result of a total scam. He still has the shrapnel in his butt to prove it. However, the silence of the media regarding this is nothing short of criminal.

Can you believe I had one moonbat who was trying to tell me that the media was biased FOR Bush?

Posted by: eric on November 1, 2004 12:42 PM

Hmmmm . . .

Remember Megan Harrington

Posted by: Brautigan on November 1, 2004 12:55 PM

what a non story.

But MSRWB is still trying to make one out of it.

MSRWB: Mainstream Right Wing Blogging

where Drudge and Instapundit take turns in delivering copy-pastables to the blogging masses.

Posted by: Sam Miller on November 1, 2004 01:31 PM

Eric - The story, confirmed by Kerry's famous "Brother in Arms" Rassman, is that Kerry threw a grenade into a rice storage bin, then failed to urgently vacate the premises. He got nailed in the butt by rice kernels or shrapnel. A later medical report he released showed it was grenade metal, not rice. That makes his wound "self-inflicted" and not eligible for a Purple Heart, same as his first when he got a grenade splinter in his arm and a band-aid for shooting a grenade launcher at some rocks.

So 2 of three purple hearts were bogus, and he skipped 8 months of Vietnam, the only Swift boat Vet to get out on the 3 purple hearts Navy rule.

Far more worrisome is that he may have received an other than honorable discharge and has managed to cover it up for 33 years with the press willing accomplices - in looking the other way. While they gave Bush's guard service the microscope didn't demand the military papers Bush released from Kerry.

It's too late now. The press is in it's "all polls and horserace, voting process" mode now. It won't run a scandal unless it's Bush's. But after the election, if the country finds out Kerry hid an other than honorable discharge....the press will be discredited and the military may have another reason to distrust the CiC.

Posted by: Cedarford on November 1, 2004 02:11 PM


If I remember correctly, a self-inflicted wound like Kerry's is cause for a purple heartwhen it's incurred under enemy fire. Bob Dole received one because he didn't throw a grenade far enough.

That would confirm that Kerry shooting the rocks with the M79 would be eligible for a purple heart (although it wasn't a bad injury.) The rice explosion, however, occurred after the village was secured and is much more suspect.

I agree that the discharge is much more damning, but most important is his meeting with the Commies in Paris and his activities on behalf of Charlie's Angels, the VVAW. It's a shame more wasn't made of those serious flaws rather than all this nitpicking about the medals.

Posted by: See-Dub on November 1, 2004 02:26 PM


The discharge, if not honorable, is related either to Kerry not showing up to meet his reservist obligations or his meetings with the Commies/VVAW assassination plot. It's all part of the same thing.

The 1st purple heart could have been awarded as you say, if Kerry was hit by friendly fire in a combat action. But it was supposedy Kerry launching a round to see what he could stir up in the jungle, hitting some rocks on shore instead getting hit with a small splinter, and no enemy reponse observed. More damning, he went to a corpsman saying he deserved a purple heart, the corpsman pulled the splinter with tweezers, slapped a band-aid on, said no way. As did the doctor the corpsman reported to, then Kerry's commanders at the time, as he appealed the doctor's call. Then once the doctor, and his chain of command were replaced 6 months later, Kerry resubmitted himself for a purple heart, evidently claiming it was overlooked paperwork - and got 1/3rd of his early ticket out of Vietnam.

The 1st Purple Heart was indeed scheming, scummy, self-promoting JFK II at his worst.

Posted by: Cedarford on November 2, 2004 10:42 AM
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