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October 05, 2004

No Laughing Matter: Josh Marshall Wants Carl Cameron Reassigned off Covering Kerry For Writing Parody "Kerry Quotes" in Script

The hysterical left-wing blogosphere thinks they've gotten hold of their own little Rathergate. It seems that Fox reporter Carl Cameron, covering the Kerry campaign, inserted joke-quotes -- obviously parodies -- into a preliminary news-script and those quotes were taken as real by someone on the FoxNews website.

These "Kerry quotes" got posted as real:

"Women should like me! I do manicures."

"Didn't my nails and cuticles look great? What a good debate!"

"I'm metrosexual — [Bush's] a cowboy."

Now, these are obviously fake, as Joshua "I'm working on the story of my life" Marshall immediately realized. And FoxNews immediately realized they were fake, too-- the story was pulled almost immediately and FoxNews has issued a retraction and an apology:

Earlier Friday, posted an item purporting to contain quotations from Kerry. The item was based on a reporter’s partial script that had been written in jest and should not have been posted or broadcast. We regret the error, which occurred because of fatigue and bad judgment, not malice.

They also "reprimanded" Carl Cameron. A fuller FoxNews explanation can be found here.

The new policy states that no such humorous bits are to be included in any preliminary news script.

Now, how did these obviously-ludicrous "quotes" make it on to the website? FoxNews isn't saying, but there seem to be three possibilities:

1) The person who wrote the story is in fact a functional retard.

2) The person who wrote the story is rabidly-anti-Kerry, so much so as to cloud his sense.

3) The person who wrote the story is, like many of the people who work at FoxNews, a liberal who hates FoxNews and wishes he or she had gotten a better job offer at a more liberal news organization, and posted the story deliberately to embarass FoxNews.

But who knows.

Josh Marshall whines:

[A FoxNews spokesman says] “Carl [Cameron] made a stupid mistake which he regrets. And he has been reprimanded for his lapse in judgment. It was a poor attempt at humor.”

So the Fox reporter covering the Kerry campaign puts together this Kerry-bashing parody right out of the RNC playbook with phony quotes intended to peg him as girlish fool and somehow it found its way on the Fox website as a news item.

Imagine that.

More to follow ...

More to follow? Isn't there always, Joshy?

Joshy wants to get to the bottom of this. He asks:

1. [Re: Cameron's reprimand] How? Are there any consequences? What happened to him? How was he reprimanded? Fox spokesman Paul Schur, who first spoke to TPM yesterday afternoon, told The Daily News "We're simply moving on from this, we have no further comment." And that doesn't inspire a lot of confidence that the 'reprimand' is anything more than a 'Carl, Don't post any more fabricated quotes on the website.' Meanwhile, Schur declined to tell the LA Times what if any discipline Cameron faced.

3. Just for the sake of discussion, can there be any question that Carl Cameron has contempt and disdain for John Kerry -- contempt and disdain that he has great difficulty keeping a lid on?

4. Shouldn't Cameron be taken off the Kerry campaign beat? Assume for the moment that Cameron's fabricated story wasn't supposed to run on the site. If Cameron sits around writing up phony news stories only for Fox News colleagues which portray Kerry as a swishy fool, can he really credibly cover the campaign as a straight news reporter? The answer is obvious, I think. Of course, he can't.

The trouble for Joshy is that this isn't the first time a partisan has been caught inserting snide jokes into a partial script-- or pool report. One of Joshy's favorite reporters, I'm sure-- Dan Milbank of the Washington Post -- had lots of snide anti-Bush "jokes" in a pool report he prepared for the media who could not attend a Bush function.

Milbank repeatedly calls Bush "our protagonist" and "our hero" -- which might be seen as cute and playful coming from a Republican or moderate, but which are definitely insulting coming from a rabidly-partisan Bush-hater like Milbank --
and works in a few more "jokes" which might have, in the hands of a senseless website hack, made it into the official WaPo record:

Our protagonist departed the White House near unto 9:20 this morning, bound for the Capitol in a determined effort to find Gary Condit. Actually, he was to meet with the House Republican caucus.

Your pool watched as POTUS descended into the bowels of the Capitol's west side accompanied by Speaker Hastert at 9:30. "We're going to talk about a lot of things," the president informed the pool. "We're going to get a lot of things done for America."

The president and the caucus got so many things done for America so quickly that the hour-long meeting lasted only 45 minutes: a 25 minute speech by the president and 20 minutes of schmoozing. ...

The big news of the day was made when our protagonist spoke about education. He declared that education is "a passion for me." In addition to this startling revelation, he made a case for free trade and his faith-based initiative.

Now, you may say that Milbank's snideness didn't make it into print. But I'm not sure that's relevant, as Carl Cameron didn't print his jokes as real; that was some dope working for the website. And furthermore, it seems that Milbank's deceptive little bon mots do occasionally make it into the Washington Post.

In a "news analysis column," "our hero" Milbank shows himself to be very fair-and-balanced and quite the cut-up by inserting this at the end of his news story:

The Quotable Bush

"I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein." -- President Bush, meeting Iraqi amputees at the White House on May 25.

As Nick Kronos pointed out:

One little detail left out from Milbank's attempt to make the President look like an insensitive idiot:

The President was shaking the man's new hand because all the "amputees" had just received new limbs courtesy of American charity.

And you want to hear something really funny? Here's how the column ending with that straw-man snideness began:

For President Bush, this is the season of the straw man.

It is an ancient debating technique: Caricature your opponent's argument, then knock down the straw man you created.

I guess Milbank studied the technique well enough to develop some level of expertise.

I hope Joshy points me to the posts in which he chastised Milbank for his snide anti-Bush "joking" and suggested that Milbank be reassigned because of his partisan animus.

Because I just know that Josh "Story of My Life" Marshall wouldn't resort to blatant partisan hypocrisy on such an issue. He's a "real reporter," and he'll tell you so if you just lend him your ear.

posted by Ace at 04:15 AM

I see where Josh has points 1,3 and 4. What happened to point 2?

Posted by: Cowtipper on October 5, 2004 08:12 AM

The Milbank snide commentary is not the same as the Cameron made-up joke quotes. Lots of people do what Milbank did, although it's usually a little more subtle. And I think if Cameron had merely commented snidely about Kerry's manicure without making up funny quotes, he would have been fine.

But what Cameron did was suitable for the Onion, or Scrappleface. (Well, it wasn't quite funny enough, but you get the idea.) So I find it understandable that Joshua Micah Jebediah Springfield Marshall would get upset about Cameron and not about Milbank.

Anyway, the important thing about the Cameron teapot-tempest is that Fox discovered the screw-up quickly, took down the offending material, put up an apology, and disciplined the offender. All this within hours of its posting. Marshall can whine that he doesn't know if Cameron has been punished enough, but all of us know that Dan Rather hasn't been punished at all. And CBS, unlike Fox News, still maintains that what they gave us was fake, but accurate.

Now, for my money, quoting John Kerry showing off his manicure– THAT is fake, but accurate.

Posted by: House of Payne on October 5, 2004 08:43 AM

Kerry Campaign:

"Hey Josh, could you bring a little more attention to the manicure; we were concerned it might drop off the news cycle."

Posted by: ter0 on October 5, 2004 09:19 AM

Look, I'll forever regret siding with Joshua Hezekiah Marshall, but I think he's right INSOFAR as that Cameron really ought to be reassigned. And perhaps it's worth pointing out that Redstate, who are obvious big fans of Fox and no fan whatsoever of Marshall, agree.

Posted by: Jeff B. on October 5, 2004 11:01 AM

Dammit, my link disappeared! How do you post a link in these comments?

Posted by: Jeff B. on October 5, 2004 11:02 AM

Cameron should go away on the same day that Dan Rather gets his due.

Posted by: lauraw on October 5, 2004 11:30 AM

ditto that, when Rather is pulled off covering this election campaign, we can talk about Cameron

since we know CBS isn't going to do that, you can rest assured any report of the internal investigation won't see the light of day until after Nov. 2, the point is moot

Posted by: wannabe on October 5, 2004 12:22 PM

It's absurd to suggest Cameron be reassigned. Aren't we constantly being told that the political biases of reporters don't contaminate their reporting?

You can't have it both ways. Marshall probably thinks of himself as someone who skeptically and critically watches the powerful. But he's unwilling to show Cameron the same courtesy?

Posted by: Jeff G on October 5, 2004 12:29 PM

During Clinton reign, Marshall appeared to be what might be described as a lefty with a bit of a grasp of reality. He made a good point on the occasion.

I stopped reading him when he continued to support Clinton even after the pardons, the trashing of the White House, the removal of White House furniture and fixtures, etc.

At that point, he became just another leftwing nutcase and not worth bothering with.

Why does the blogosphere care what he says. He's a fraud. Just ignore him.

At that point, he bacame just another leftwing nutcase and not worth bothering with. Why do any bloggers care what he says. He's a fraud.

Posted by: erp on October 5, 2004 12:49 PM

FOX should do what CBS is doing: nothing for a long time, until at some later date a review is complete and some proceedures need to be addressed.

Posted by: Jane on October 5, 2004 01:00 PM

Hey, I'll admit I'm biased, but I think Carl Cameron is hysterical. He's one of the reasons I watch FNS . . . I love how snarky he is.

And the meterosexual joke is the funniest fucking thing I've heard all week.

Posted by: Scout on October 5, 2004 01:43 PM

Someone should make a table comparing _Dan's_ punishment to Carl's.

Ansy Rooney's suggesting another hour of all-Dan, they're having ABC/NBC/CBS roundtables discussing the vicious pajamahadeen, and he issued something completely dissimilar from an apology of the 'I'm sorry you're offended' variety.

Posted by: Al on October 5, 2004 04:36 PM

Slightly OT:
Front Page October 9th Los Angeles Times:

Conservative TV Group to Air Anti-Kerry Film...

In brief, the Sinclair Broadcast Group is preempting regular programming for one hour between Oct 21 and Oct 24, depending on the city, to air "Stolen Honor: Wounds that Never Heal". It will be followed by a discussion which Kerry will be asked to join.

If it happens, Ain't payback a bitch :-)

Posted by: LouisianaLightning on October 9, 2004 03:56 PM

These ultimate racing pocket bikes are today's fastest growing products in the motor sport vehicle industry, aside from electrics scooters and gas scooters.

Posted by: pocket bike on October 28, 2004 05:21 PM
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