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October 02, 2004

More on Rather

Apparently, this site had too many consecutive posts that did not mention Dan Rather. Hoke had the Con. The whole friggin' ship went on Red Alert.

Reporting to you live -- Bill "I kid you not, the Gettysburg Address was faxed from Lancaster" Burkett has a web site

Burkett's Site

It has been reported to Ace by one of his men on the ground that the site is authentic. Indeed, at one point, there were letters from Burkett's son railing on CBS, defending his father and soliciting contributions via PayPal, but those have been taken down.

The site, however, is powered by RadioLeft and created by Geoff Staples, a long-time Democrat activist, who is Program Director of RadioLeft, website owner of RadioLeft, and has had past interviews with Burkett. Staples also acts as Web Host for the Dallas County Democratic Party, where he is a Precinct Chairman. He is also a member of the Progressive Populist Caucus of the Texas Democratic Party, which is led by David Van Os.

Burkett. Van Os. Barnes. Staples. Cleland. Lockhart. Mapes. Rather.

That's a thick soup of eels.

posted by Ace at 11:26 AM

Re: "too many consecutive posts that did not mention Dan Rather"


Can we, please, have the Lockhart-incredulous-about-DNC/CBS-collusion-illegality picture + caption back up? Ple-e-e-ease?

Posted by: m on October 2, 2004 12:33 PM

The obvious joke:

"Windows 72? Yeah, we've got that."

Posted by: Stumbo on October 2, 2004 01:39 PM

If you go there, you read the Burketts all protesting innocence, their father's "stolen honor". You thrill to their theory of "fake but accurate". You learn that 3 other people beside the 86-yr old coached DemoDiaperBabe also admit to not typing the memos, but looking back, would have typed the exact same stuff if they had a chance, as fake but accurate.

You learn that long-time gay Dem activist, Dallas Precinct Chair, member of David Van Os's Pregressive Populist Caucus of Texas Democrats - and long time Burkett pal "Geoff Staples" is the owner and Webmaster of Burkett's Site.

You realize in viewing their Site that the Burkett's are still in full denial and have lost sight of the fact that they have less than 3 weeks to cut a deal and make full disclosure, or be lifetime scapegoats of the Nov 2nd election.

Posted by: cedarford on October 2, 2004 11:43 PM
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What an absolutely terrible, shortsighted idea.
Classics of Yacht Rock Mystery Click
Oh but it's all right
Once you get past the pain
You'll learn to find your love again
So keep your heart open

This is a fantastic (casual) driving song, when you're actually driving a little below the speed limit because you don't really have anywhere to be.
Going forward, if we have any arguments about what is or what is not Yacht Rock, we can just consult the Yacht or Nyacht? website, which has ranked hundreds of songs according to their Yacht Quotient (YQ). I can see this website stopping arguments, fistfights, and formal duels.
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But I think this song more crosses from the shallows of soft rock to the cresting majesty of Yacht Rock. This is definitely bouncy enough for Hoe Snow. Very smooth, a little folky, a little jazzy. It's got that Hoe Snow snap.
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CJN podcast 1400 copy.jpg
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1) Individuals, on camera and audio, stating what they saw is "unconfirmed" with "no specific reports"

2) anonymous bomb threats with no arrests or suspects is "Republicans threatening Haitians."

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Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at
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