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Jim Lakely of The Heartland Institute joins CBD to discuss their latest polls...Biden is a clear national security risk, and most Americans expect cheating in the upcoming election. How are the battleground states shaping up, and...a new fashion segment!
.@SenWarren on Harris' biggest accomplishment as VP: She was the "first vice president in history to visit an abortion clinic"

Posted by: rhennigantx
Charles C. W. Cooke
What happened with "border czar" is that it was repeated uncontroversially in the media--both literally and in tone--when it was in the interest of the press for Biden to hand it off to Kamala, but, now that it's inconvenient that this happened, it's a right-wing conspiracy theory.
Dan Bongino: This isn't over for Kim Cheatle, it's going to get so much worse
He wants to know if Kim Cheatle uses encrypted, non-governmental devices to communicate without having her communications be kept under the Records Act (and thus capable of being subpeonaed). He strongly implies that he knows that she has used such apps to avoid complying with the Records Act. He says there are emails that may indicate a cover-up, starting with her, of the White House Cocaine scandal.
Trump Shooter Wasn't a Member of Rifle Team and Wasn't Bullied, School Says Shockingly, the media got most of their facts wrong! [CBD]
Flashback: Meet Kamala Harris' six-year-old speechwriter, positioning her for success
Obviously this is the Babylon Bee. I'm sure it will be fact-checked.
Mario Nawfal @MarioNawfal

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of election integrity in Arizona, stating that voters who register without proof of citizenship will be rejected.
The court's decision emphasizes that only U.S. citizens should vote in elections.
Arizona officials praised the ruling, criticizing the "radical left" for opposing it and calling on Congress to ensure only lawful citizens vote in federal races.
This decision upholds a key provision of Arizona's election laws.
Source: @AZSenateGOP

Thanks to andycanuck
Robert Costa
Sources close to President Biden tell me tonight they're *furious* that while the president is trying to recover from Covid in Rehoboth, a pressure campaign keeps picking up speed. Lots of anger toward some donors for talking of $ drying up if he doesn't quit, toward what they see as muted support from Pres. Obama, and toward Dem leaders who one source says are "hiding" behind statements. If they want him out, they'll have to push, source adds. Feels disrespected. Still, a fluid moment and no one has figured out an effective way to quiet this drift of nervous Democrats away from Biden and know many Dems want Biden to just break at some point soon.

Why doesn't Biden just challenge them to a push-up contest? Resolve this all quickly.
Skwad member and constant pusher of the Michael Brown "Hands Up Don't Shoot" insurrectionist race-hoax is down 23 points in her primary race, according to the latest poll
Quick, sub in Gavin Newsom
Flashback: Cucked husband of foreign spy, Max Boot, questions Tucker Carlson's and Mark Steyn's patriotism
By the way: His spy wife is what's called an Agent of Influence. Though she is accused of selling secrets to South Korea, most of what she did was publish "editorials" pushing the South Korean line in Regime media. One of her co-authors for such an editorial pushing the South Korean government's propaganda line in the Washington Post was none other than Noted Super-Patriot Max Boot.
What did Max Boot know, and when did he know it?
Tsar Apu II Apustayevich
Imagine being a Democrat right now

1. You're a gay libtard
2. For the first time in your life you've been told you can't make violent death threats against the orange man
3. Your president is speedrunning Alzheimer's

Can't imagine having to deal with all of this
Via Duncanthrax:
"CNN and other broadcasts have reached a new low in RNC coverage, fawning over "unity" and "young Vance" - ignoring we are seeing a fascist party overflowing with criminals plot the downfall of America, a VP who is the single most radical and unqualified in history. No pushback on lack of information on Trump's injury. It's access journalism at its worst. It's not the media we need to defend democracy."

-- Jen "I dissent " Rubin @JRubinBlogger
@replying to @JRubinblgger

-- Satan "slava ukraina" @Satan
If you ever think "Maybe National Review isn't a cucked-out servant of the Democrat Party and Klaus Schwab transnational corporatists any longer," nope, wrong:
National Review
. @NoahCRothman: J. D. Vance's address to the GOP convention was a declaration of unconditional surrender cloaked in pugilism and superficial self-confidence.

Thanks to AlphaChad4Ever
Trump survives an assassination. Not to be outdone, Biden survives a short flight of stairs (barely)
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« Kuwait PAO: "Burned Woman" Incident An "Urban Legend Or Myth" | Main | Max Blumenthal, Unreliable Smear Merchant (Not That There's Anything Wrong With That!) »
August 03, 2007

Enough With The Gay Shit

If lefties (such as Max Blumenthal, currently serving in the Peshewar area; google it, I won't link) want to say an allegedly gay dude's claims are inherently suspect because he digs on cock, then maybe they ought to address Beauchamp's apparent deficiencies in this area:

Rehn "The Bird" was in town (you can see him staring at my ass in my profile picture), along with a cheeky limey bastard named Sam. I wish I could say that we three queens had an insightful conversation about the recent British elections...

I will stress again: I have not said a word about this since the story broke. I knew about this since Beauchamp's name was released. I have not made an issue of it. It didn't occur to me this could be an issue, even though it does tend to suggest a reason for anti-military animus.

However, if full and umblemished record of lifelong heterosexuality is now, according to lefties, some sort of requirement for reliability, well, it seems Scott Beauchamp's got a whole new credibility problem.

I'm so sick of the fucking left. If someone says something they don't like, they just bleat over and over "FAG! FAG! FAG! FAG!"

Well, fuck self-restraint. If that's the game we're playing, then game on.


That's Scottie and "Rehn," mentioned in the post above, who is "obviously gay" by his own self-assessment.

Now, I'm not going to say anything about that picture, but I think if I worked for Page 6, I just might call that some light-to-moderate "canoodling," if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

We havin' fun now kids?

Isn't this a riot?

I don't like being the first guy into the gutter.

I have less of a problem with being the second.

Yeah I Know... He claims to have had any number of girlfriends in Germany and proposed to, I think, half of them.

Which is, you know, completely consistent with typical heterosexual behavior.

Some days I can barely make it to lunch without proposing to a woman.

Gay Porn = Dishonesty: Does this pic, from Scottie B's myspace page, count as gay porn?


I guess not. What's the rule for gay erotica?

I wonder if we'll have any stories along these lines on the Scott Thomas: International Soldier of Mystery blog.

I'm informed that if one goes to his My Space page one can find all sorts of pictures in which he looks... well, I don't want to say gay. I'll say, possessed of a colorful and far-ranging sex life.

Since This Is Relevant... I had not previously understood this to be relevant. But now Max Blumenthal (son of "Sid Vicious" Blumenthal, who called Monica Lewinsky a crazed "stalker") attacks Matt Sanchez, yet again, for supposedly have been in gay porn.

Along the way he implies a source in the TNR story is gay too, just for fun. Depsite the fact that everything this source has said has been accurate, unlike the "reportage" of Scott Beauchamp. And despite the fact that Matt Sanchez' major contribution to the story thusfar has been his finding that no soldiers at FOB Falcon ever saw a "melted" woman -- something TNR itself now concedes, as it admits "error" in mistaking Camp Beurhing in Kuwait for FOB Falcon in Iraq.

So why on earth would someone push the Sanchez-is-gay thing so hard? He contributed one major bit to the story (before today), and that is already proven. We don't have to rely on his credibility for that -- it is now a fact admitted by TNR.

Today he breaks the major story that investigation has "proven the claim to not have been true," but then, Blumenthal didn't know that when he penned his little smearjob.

So why, of all the hundreds of military men, bloggers, and milbloggers adding to this story, focus only on Matt Sanchez?

Well, because he's one of the few Blumenthal can call a queer, of course.

So, given that heterosexuality is now required as regards credibility--

What's Max Blumenthal's sexuality, I wonder? I have no idea, but he kind of looks like the sort of guy who might enjoy a colorful and far-ranging sex life.

These questions need to be answered. A man's sexuality is a crucial component of his credibility, so we really need to know if Max Blumenthal maybe experimented a bit in middle school.

posted by Ace at 11:44 AM