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Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
As Kash Patel takes over as FBI head, unpardoned election-rigger Peter Strzok deletes his entire twitter history
My speculation: what he's really deleting are his DMs, which probably feature a fair few Deep State operatives coordinating with him. Don't worry, Elon Musk will resurrect those DMs.
Dick Durbin says Patel is a rilly bad guy, you guys
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on.
-- Disinterested FDA Director
More fraudulent journalism at CBS: 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
Maori people in New Zealand reject LBGT message and stage counter parade. [dri]
Axios focus group: 11 out of 11 swing voters support Trump and Musk's actions, particularly their cuts to the federal budget
Axios notes that voters aren't buying the newest Dem op, which claims that the 100-billionaire Musk spent millions to get Trump elected so that he could raid the Social Security office and steal $700 checks from grandmas. For some reason!
lol, eat a dick, Axios
Forgotten 80s Mystery Click: Girl Band Edition
Just close your eyes and then remember/ The thoughts you've locked away/ When tomorrow comes you'll wish/ You had today
They're like the London Boys of girlpop
The Spectator Index

BREAKING: Reuters reports that 'mass firings' of US government employees has begun
I just realized that Monday is President's Day. I'm going to work a half-day. I'll post stuff but probably on an 80-90 minute schedule, unless it's a big news day.
This Drumpf character is wearing me out!!!
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Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton are joined by Historian and pundit Michael Walsh to discuss the new American psyche, Gaza, Men and Women and how they are different, and more!
Trump to rude witchface c**t Kaitlin Collins: "Excuse me, we haven't asked you to speak yet"
Update: Trump pummels a female CNN reporter who sounds like Barbra-Streisand-nosed Kaitlin Collins
Her "question" -- her declaration thinly disguised as a question -- is that Russia could just withdraw its troops from Ukraine, so why do we need peace negotiations? Well, Genius, because armies that are winning do not just walk away without getting the losing army to give them something. It's so f***ing stupid. I think they're all autistic.
Maxine Waters explains why she doesn't want Musk auditing the Grifter Government: "We don't know what they have on us"
Even the devil sometimes tells the truth
Chuck Grassley

NEWS Sen Judic Cmte advanced Kash Patel's nomination to be FBI Dir 12-10

Senate floor vote comes next

Brooke Rollins was confirmed as SecAg by big margin, like 74-26 or something like that
If Trump pulls this off, he'll have an excellent chance to be snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize!
-- Posted by: Don Black
Joe Rogan:
Autism Capital

JOE ROGAN: "People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400B. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been f**ked with. When you've been f**ked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you f**ked up.

You f**ked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everybody. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards."
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« Surprise: That CIA Officer Who Made Much Drama About Quitting Due to Trump Was a Big Hillary Donor and a Top Lieutenant to Ben Rhodes, the "Echo Chamber" Maestro | Main | Malignant Dwarf: First Trump Lied About Sweden Having an Immigration Problem, Then His Lies Sparked Immigrants to Sweden to Begin Rioting »
February 23, 2017

Tucker Carlson: We've Done Such a Thorough Job of Dividing Society Into the Educated Class and Non-Educated Class We've Destroyed Most Bonds of Compassion and Fellow-Feeling Between Them

Hitting a note I've hit myself once or twice before.

To the extent that Carlson’s on-air commentary these days is guided by any kind of animating idea, it is perhaps best summarized as a staunch aversion to whatever his right-minded neighbors believe. The country has reached a point, he tells me, where the elite consensus on any given issue should be "reflexively distrusted."

"Look, it's really simple," Carlson says. "The SAT 50 years ago pulled a lot of smart people out of every little town in America and funneled them into a small number of elite institutions, where they married each other, had kids, and moved to an even smaller number of elite neighborhoods. We created the most effective meritocracy ever."

"But the problem with the meritocracy," he continues, is that it "leeches all the empathy out of your society... The second you think that all your good fortune is a product of your virtue, you become highly judgmental, lacking empathy, totally without self-awareness, arrogant, stupid--I mean all the stuff that our ruling class is."

Carlson recounts, with some amusement, how he saw these attitudes surface in his neighbors’ response to Trump’s victory. He recalls receiving a text message on election night from a stunned Democratic friend declaring his intention to flee the country with his family. Carlson replied by asking if he could use their pool while they were gone.

"I mean people were, like, traumatized," he says. And yet, in the months since then, "no one I know has learned anything. There's been no moment of reflection...It's just, 'This is what happens when you let dumb people vote.'" Carlson finds this brand of snobbery particularly offensive: "Intelligence is not a moral category. That’s what I find a lot of people in my life assume. It’s not. God doesn’t care how smart you are, actually."

I'd go further than that, and agree with Megan McArdle and Instapundit that while the New Mandarins are good at a very limited number of cognitive functions, they are sorely lacking in crucial ones, the ability to reject received wisdom among one of the most important.

Those who have the most ego invested in the skill of repeating what Teacher has told them are naturally going to be very averse to suggesting the heresy that Teacher might be wrong.

posted by Ace at 03:04 PM