June 10, 2019
The Morning Rant

"Oregon may be a blue state, but it prides itself on not having a sales tax. It's true, even though a sales tax has long been on the progressive agenda, every time it comes up on the ballot, it goes down like Stormy Daniels at a casting party. Plus, the people who write the proposed legislation are all pretty much incompetent. For example, there was one sales tax proposal on the ballot back in the 80s that had a number of exemptions, for food and other basic items, which made a certain amount of sense, but there was also an exemption for newspapers. Newspapers? Why? Who lobbied who to get that exemption into the bill? So that didn't go over too well. Also, there was no mandatory income tax reduction. When people asked about it, the answer they got was, 'Well, let the sales tax run for a few years and then we'll think about it.' Yeah, right. That went over like a lead balloon. So they had the election and the sales tax proposition went down in flames. The only people who voted for it were a few little old ladies in tennis shoes and a pot-addled hippie in Portland who thought he was getting some free Twinkies. What would've been worth considering was if they had proposed a swap: eliminate the income tax entirely and replace it with a sales tax. But no, they always want both, they always say they gotta have both, because for most politicians, there's just no such thing as the government having too much money."
'Twas Ever Thus:

Because Racism:

Compare & Contrast:

Florida woman > Florida Manhttps://t.co/PRXMh5YDnn
— OregonMuse (@OregonMuse) June 7, 2019
Can You Spot the Moron?

Who Dis:

Trick Question:
(Click for bigger)
Friday's celebs: Jenna Coleman, whom apparently most of you morons know from Dr. Who, but I first saw her in the British series Victoria, which was where I also first saw Rufus Sewell. Unrelatedly, the bonus pic is, of course, Yoko Ono, Destroyer of Worlds.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Mongolian Beef:

posted by OregonMuse at 11:21 AM