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Daily Tech News 19 October 2024

—Pixy Misa

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Posted by Pixy Misa at 04:00 AM Comments

King Harv Imperial Coffee

He Wasn't There Again Today, I Wish The ONT Would Go Away


Hello Horde! How's everyone doing tonight? However bad things get, at least (most of you) aren't Browns fans.

Browns Iran.jfif

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Posted by WeirdDave at 10:00 PM Comments

Ice Cream Cafe

—Disinformation Expert Ace

Sunset in New York City
Anthony distefano/@antsynth

Confuzzelating your dog.

Mother with her newborn quadruplets.

Horses coming home after a long day on the range.

Mother bird gives eagle a tougher fight than he was looking for when he tries to take her babies.

Might be fake. I give up trying to tell.

Shadow art at the beach.

Mike Tyson's unconventional dodging technique.

Cats in pursuit.

Dog is so happy that his person is back.

Sea lion enjoys the resort's amenities.

Little birds learning to plop into the water.

Dog wants to get in on a groundhog's digging fun.

The crow likes the dog, but can't stand the cat.

Human catapult.

Baby feeding a giraffe.

Doggo and baby have fun with balloons.

Going from stray to lapdog.


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Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 07:20 PM Comments

Republicans Are Finally Running Ads Attacking Democrats For Their Crazed Embrace of Transgenderism for Children
Plus: The Week in Woke

—Disinformation Expert Ace

The Bee:


This is an older article, from March, but it's being shared on Twitter now.


Another DEI success story:

A black, deaf Google employee -- who had been celebrated at corporate events and on social media as a success story for the search giant's inclusive workplace -- has accused the company of discrimination based on her disability and race.

In an explosive lawsuit filed in the US Northern District of California, Jalon Hall -- the first and only black, deaf hire at Google, according to Wired -- slammed Google for limiting her access to sign-language interpreters months after starting the job.

In the complaint, the worker painted Google's management environment as hostile and racially charged.

She cited Google's manager at the company's machine-learning research program calling her an "aggressive black deaf woman" and advising her to "keep her mouth shut and take a sales role".

Press X to Doubt.

Google also excluded her from roundtable discussions and passed her over for promotion due to "inaccurate evaluation" after three years, according to the suit.

"Google is using me to make them look inclusive for the Deaf community and the overall Disability community," Hall told Wired. "In reality, they need to do better."

On LinkedIn, Google had praised Hall for "helping expand opportunities for Black Deaf professionals," while on Instagram, the corporation had featured the research analyst "for making #LifeAtGoogle more inclusive."

Google recruiters promised Hall, who joined Google as a content moderator in 2020, that sign language interpreters would be provided "and can be fully accommodated," Wired reported.

Months later, Hall was assigned to enforce YouTube's child safety regulations, but managers refused interpreters to assist Hall in reviewing the content, according to Wired.

Why does a deaf woman need help from "interpreters" when reading?

Sounds like she wanted her managers to do her job for her.

Libs of TikTok

BREAKING: The FBI just quietly updated their crime data for 2022. Turns out it was missing thousands of crimes!

The updated data shows there were 80,029 more violent crimes than in 2021. There were an additional 1,699 m*rders, 7,780 r*pes, 33,459 robberies, and 37,091 aggravated assaults.


A transgender coach was fired, and then hired back due to pressure from the "trans allies."

Now he's resigned after a porn video surfaces.

Having sex with another man in a ski mask, smoking meth

A transgender high school tennis coach who, despite complaints of inappropriate behavior, was rehired due to concerns of "transphobia," has now resigned after a pair of videos surfaced of him engaged in vulgar behavior.

David Yates (pictured), who goes by "Sasha," got his job back via a 6-2 vote by the Gettysburg Area School District board last summer.

Yates had been dismissed after various complaints, including "changing in and 'walking through' the girls' locker room," and "talk[ing] to students about undergarment preferences and menstruation."

But he later reapplied for his coaching position, and a solicitor recommended he be rehired -- else the district could face a lawsuit.

Many in the local community favored Yates' rehiring, claiming transphobia was behind his firing in the first place.

But as The Daily Wire reports today, many of Yates' supporters now "have gone silent."

That's because board member Michelle Smyers received an email late last month containing a pair of videos along with the message "Thought you might find it interesting how your high school tennis coach spends her weekends."

In one video, screenshots of which were reviewed by The Daily Wire, [Yates] appears to be smoking meth, with the assistance of a woman, and asks, "Am I a good meth whore?" In another, Yates -- a middle-aged British man -- is seen bent over a counter wearing a black bra and having sex with a man wearing a ski mask.


Smyers, one of the board who had voted against rehiring Yates, said other board members had "privately agreed that Yates should not work in a school, but they were afraid to say so publicly" out of fear of being labeled "intolerant."

CBS "News" is upset: Trump is running ads blasting the trans ideology!!!

CBS News @CBSNews

Former President Donald Trump's campaign and his allies have spent tens of millions of dollars on political ads focusing on transgender rights issues in the weeks leading up to the election.

Washington -- Former President Donald Trump's campaign and his allies have spent tens of millions of dollars on political ads focusing on transgender rights issues in the weeks leading up to the election.

The Trump campaign has spent more than $19 million on two television ads that have aired nearly 55,000 times since Oct. 1, according to data from AdImpact. Make America Great Again Inc., the leading super political action committee supporting Trump, has spent more than $1.1 million during the same time period on a similar ad that has aired more than 6,000 times.

The campaign's ads are playing in all battleground states and airing during NFL and college football games, a Trump campaign official said.

The ads focus on taxpayer-funded gender transitions for people in prison and immigrant detainees. They use Vice President Kamala Harris' comments from 2019 in which she said she supported transgender inmates having access to gender-affirming surgery. She made similar comments in an American Civil Liberties Union questionnaire in 2019, saying she supported "medically necessary care" for federal inmates and detained migrants.

"Kamala is for they/them," one ad says. "Trump is for you."

Below, that ad, and similar ads being run by Republicans in Senate and House races.

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Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:20 PM Comments

How Fauci Became Science


Covid hero Dr. Jay Bhattacharya writes about how Fauci lied -- and spread Dangerous Disinformation -- to bend the public to his will during the AIDS crisis.

Anthony Fauci, the Man Who Thought He Was Science


In 1983, in response to a case report of an infant with AIDS published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, Fauci told the press that AIDS might be spread by routine household contact. There was no good evidence then and is none now to suggest that HIV is transmitted that way. But Fauci's statement, prominently echoed in the media, panicked the American people, almost certainly leading many to physically shun AIDS patients out of an unfounded fear of catching the disease.

Fauci does not address this incident, so one is left to speculate about why he was attracted to this theory. One possibility is that there was little political support for government spending on AIDS when the public thought it only affected gay men. As the public came to understand AIDS impacted broader populations, such as hemophiliacs and IV drug users, public support for funding HIV research expanded.

Lying during a crisis to get what he wanted worked so well during AIDS that Fauci decided to make a career of it.

Like many other charlatans and power-seekers, he used the War on Terror to expand his power and purview:

In the early days of the war on terror, Fauci became head of civilian biodefense, with the mandate to develop and stockpile countermeasures to biowarfare agents. This appointment made Fauci one of the most well-paid and powerful figures in the U.S. government. Fauci leveraged his deep knowledge of the federal bureaucracy, streamlining federal contracting rules to issue "sole source contracts" and "rapid research grants" to create constituencies of companies and scientists who depended on Fauci for their success.

He had an interesting take on the avian flu: We should make it more easy to transmit to humans -- we should turn it into a bioweapon -- so that we can then study the bioweapon we just created.

At this point, virologists persuaded Fauci's NIAID to support dangerous scientific lab experiments designed to make the avian flu virus more easily transmissible among humans.

In 2011, NIAID-funded scientists in Wisconsin and the Netherlands succeeded. They published their results in a prestigious scientific journal, so that anyone with the knowledge and resources could replicate their steps. They effectively weaponized the avian flu virus and shared the recipe with the world, with Fauci and his agency in full support.

Is the picture becoming clearer? When it was put to him he was cooking up potentially world-ending bioweapons, he sniffed that it was worth the risks of accidentally unleashing a Killer Bug upon the world:

Fauci, writing to molecular biologists in 2012, downplayed the possibility that laboratory workers or scientists studying these dangerous pathogens might cause the pandemic they were working to prevent. He also argued that the risk of such an accident was worth it: "In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario--however remote--should the initial experiments have been performed and or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision? Scientists working in this field might say--as indeed I have said--that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky."

He knows he funded and unleashed covid on the world-- and you can see why he's so addicted to the Dangerous Misinformation "natural origin" cover story.

He's a mass murderer on a scale undreamed of by Hitler.

But that's not all. Emails gotten through FOIA demands prove that Fauci was protecting his friend Peter Daszak thoughout the covid crisis, from denying there was any possibility at all that covid could escape from his gain-of-function bat virus lab in Wuhan, to constantly defying multiple presidents' orders to shut down gain-of-function funding.

Obama shut it down too, but Fauci went behind his back, redefined "gain of function" in the federal rules, and started funding it again.

When Trump told him to shut down the funding to Daszak in 2020, Fauci just had Daszak reapply for the grant under a slightly different pretext and gave him the money.

Our money.

But why should we get to decide what our money is spent on? Fauci, who is Science, must step in and take that right away from us.

Trust the experts.

True, they're all getting rich on insider deals and talking up their own stocks, but trust them anyway, Peon Racists.

This is a very long and very detailed report. The TL;DR version is that there are many emails showing that Fauci was protecting Peter Daszak from having his dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan defunded, and after Trump forced Fauci to cancel a grant, he let Daszack reapply for the same grant by slightly changing the words of his original grant -- with it very clear that this "new" approval was for the same research the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ordered to be defunded.

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Posted by Ace at 05:20 PM Comments

Is This Something? Halloween Reccomendations Edition


A commenter mentioned the Ballerina trailer. It's Ana d'Armas as an assassin from that Russian House of Assassins which, I guess, trained John Wick?

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Posted by Ace at 04:20 PM Comments

James O'Keefe Facebook Sting, Part II: Not Only Are Anti-Kamala Posts Demoted and "Redlisted," But Pro-Trump Posts Are Too

—Disinformation Expert Ace

Before getting to that: You of course remember in 2020 the Regime wanted us all to know that the winner could not be declared election night. They needed time to figure out how many fraudulent votes to introduce into blue cities in red or swing states. So they kept telling us that the person who seemed to be winning would be the loser.

Now Google is getting that Fortification Process going again: They say they'll simply ban any statements about who won the election, including statements from Trump.

Google to block election ads, victory announcements after polls close
Fri Oct 18 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

Google announced it will block U.S. election-related ads after polls close on November 5, aiming to prevent the spread of misinformation about voting and election results.

Key Details:

Google will pause election ads across all its platforms once polls close on Election Day.
The policy is designed to prevent premature claims of victory before official results are confirmed.
Ads on Google Ads, YouTube, and other Google services will be impacted, but public information campaigns will still be allowed.

Diving Deeper:

Google will block all election-related advertisements across its platforms once the polls close on November 5, according to a memo obtained by Axios. The policy, originally introduced during the 2020 election, is intended to curb the spread of misinformation, particularly from candidates or groups prematurely claiming victory before official results are certified.

In a memo sent to its advertising partners, Google cited concerns about the possibility of ongoing vote counting after Election Day. This cautious approach is intended to "limit the potential for confusion" as results are finalized. Ads affected by the policy include those related to federal, state, and local elections in the U.S., as well as ballot measures and political initiatives.

Platforms impacted by the pause include Google Ads, YouTube, DV360, and Google's Ad Exchange. While election ads will be paused, public service campaigns run by government agencies responsible for election processes, such as state secretaries of state, will still be allowed.

This move follows similar efforts by other tech giants to avoid a repeat of the disinformation challenges that arose during the 2020 election. Meta, for example, will block new political and social issue ads during the final week of the U.S. election campaign, though it hasn't announced a post-election ad pause like Google.

And speaking of Meta: They're banning anyone making pro-Trump statements.

James O'Keefe @JamesOKeefeIII

BREAKING: Second Round of Meta Engineers Reveal Censorship Practices: "Pro-Trump" Posts "Go Just Up to Another Team to Take It Down"

"Usually the disinformation we saw was pro-Trump... We'll investigate, and then it goes just up to another team to take it [the post] down," admits Matthew Fowler (@mattsfowler), a Software Engineering Manager at @Meta, during an undercover date with an O'Keefe Media Group journalist. Fowler emphasized that Meta's investigations often rely on mainstream media for verification, stating, "The news is going to do their job, and then based on what the outlets say... you have to trust that."

Of course! The media never lie!

Plamen Dzhelepov (@PlamenDzhelepov), a Machine Learning Engineer at Meta, agreed, "Meta has the right to suppress anything," acknowledging the company's political bias by noting, "they're biased if they do that against the Republicans." Dzhelepov detailed Meta's censorship capabilities, confirming they target "crazy conspiracy right-wing people," actively demoting their opinions.

Michael Zoorob (@MichaelZoorob), a Data Scientist at Meta, described the fact-checking process, stating, "the fundamental problem is that... the vast majority of what fact-checkers label as false is shared by conservatives," admitting that any policy demoting content labeled false by fact-checkers disproportionately affects conservatives.

When addressing misinformation, Dzhelepov explained Meta's approach: "it's either censored or it says a [community note] thing, where it says, 'this is disinformation, it's probably fake' under the post," adding that Meta "actually suppresses certain voices." Zoorob also recalled how Meta had downranked the Hunter Biden laptop story upon the FBI's warning, stating, "We just downranked it," making the post less visible in users' feeds."

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Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:20 PM Comments

UK's Leftwing Labour Party Now Paying Volunteers to Interfere in the US Elections

—Disinformation Expert Ace



David Atherton @DaveAtherton20

On LinkedIn Sophia Patel, who is Head of Operations at The @UKLabour Party, is advertising for Brits to help out supporting @KamalaHarris' campaign.

At best it is election interference & as someone who has some knowledge of the American visa system, illegal. You must be a bone fide work permit holder e.g. an H1, a permanent resident (Green Card holder) or a citizen to be involved.

CC U.S. Embassy London @USAinUK

David Strom:

The left is a transnationalist movement, and leftists around the world are deeply invested in the US presidential election. A return to Donald Trump's "America First" policies and victory for the MAGA movement will be a big blow, and Labour, in particular, has a lot to worry about because the US and other anglosphere politics tend to converge over time.

It would be a mistake to see what is going on as merely a battle between left and right; it's more a battle over nationalism versus transnationalism. A US move away from transnationalism will harm the world elite. Countries like Italy, Poland, Argentina, El Salvador, and other countries that have seen nationalist revivals will be very happy with a Trump victory; countries like the UK, France, Belgium, and Germany will certainly not.

Is the Labour election interference a move of desperation, or merely an example of how they see the elite as one big happy family without national borders?

Probably a lot of both. It may never have occurred to them that British party officials don't belong in US elections.

Will Kamala Harris accept the election interference or tell them to stand down?

I think we all know the answer.

Unrelated (?): Trump is more popular than he's ever been, including when he won in 2016:

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Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:20 PM Comments

Trump Goofs on Kamala and Schumer at Al Smith Dinner as Harris Skips Out on the Venerable Bipartisan Catholic Dinner

—Disinformation Expert Ace

Apparently only one man has skipped the dinner in the modern era, and that man wound up losing 49 states. (Walter Mondale, of course.)

And Kamala was already doing poorly with Catholics.

Does Kamala Harris need a mea culpa in PA? Or does her disconnect from voters in the Rust Belt go beyond state lines and religion?

That question has rolled around in my head since reading William McGurn's column yesterday at the Wall Street Journal. McGurn uses Gretchen Whitmer's bizarre mockery of the Catholic Eucharist while wearing a Harris-Walz hat to argue that the Democrat anointee for the presidency now has a Whitmer-created problem. But is that entirely true, or does it go beyond Whitmer's blasphemy?

McGurn recognizes a broader problem, but perhaps not its scope. First, he outlines the direct issues with Catholics, who comprise 30% of Pennsylvania:

As California's attorney general, Ms. Harris signed several friend-of-the-court briefs opposing religious exemptions for private employers such as Hobby Lobby and religious nonprofits such as the Little Sisters of the Poor. She said she was "proud" to have co-sponsored California's Reproductive FACT Act, which compelled pro-life pregnancy centers to display notices about where women could get an abortion. The Supreme Court in 2018 rejected the law as a likely violation of the First Amendment.

But perhaps Ms. Harris's most notorious Catholic moment came after she was elected senator. When Brian Buescher was nominated for a federal judgeship, she grilled him about his membership in the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic men's fraternal organization. Although President John F. Kennedy was also a Knight, Ms. Harris treated the group as though it were the Ku Klux Klan.

She would later co-sponsor the Equality Act, which the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops said could force doctors and hospitals to perform abortions they oppose. Last month she snubbed New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan by declining to attend this Thursday's Al Smith dinner, an election-year staple that has brought Democratic and Republican candidates together in a civil setting for decades.

Those are the direct issues, and those aren't limited to Pennsylvania. Overall, Republicans now have a statistically significant edge in party ID among Catholics, according to Pew polling this year, 50/44. Nationally, Catholics accounted for 25% of the vote in 2020, although apparently pollsters didn't include data on religion in state-level exit polling. One can expect a similarly significant number of Catholics in Wisconsin and Michigan, and perhaps slightly lower levels in states like Arizona and Georgia. In every state, however, Catholics make up a far larger part of the electorate than the Arab-Americans did in Michigan, and yet both Biden and Harris obsessed over their support all year long.

That's one problem, but that's not the only problem. A more recent Pew poll shows Harris trailing Donald Trump with Catholics by five points, even worse than Hillary Clinton performed in 2016. But the issue isn't entirely religious:

Mr. Biden may be the last of the big-time Democrats whose base was the white working class. But it confers a sensibility Ms. Harris is conspicuously lacking. ...

Politico reports that Ms. Harris's prospects are "considerably dicier" because of a "cultural dissonance" between her progressive San Francisco persona and white working-class Catholic Pennsylvanians.

And for some bizarre reason, Kamala decided to blow off the Catholics. After insulting Italian hero Columbus on Columbus Day.

End Wokeness @EndWokeness

Catholics in swing states:

NV: 800,000
AZ: 1.1 million
WI: 1.5 million
GA: 1.2 million
NC: 1.8 million
MI: 2.3 million
PA: 5.1 million

Kamala will regret snubbing the Al Smith Dinner and Columbus Day

Vodkapundit has more on that.

Here are some clips:

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Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 01:21 PM Comments

Independent Panel Says That Senior Leadership of Secret Service Has Failed and Must Be Replaced "As Soon as Praticable"

—Disinformation Expert Ace

The incompetence is calling from inside the agency.

The assassination attempt that injured former President Donald Trump in Butler, PA in July, was enabled by "numerous mistakes" by the Secret Service and "specific failures and breakdowns," an independent, bipartisan review set out Thursday.

The panel of four former senior law enforcement and government officials cautioned that another catastrophic security lapse could transpire if the U.S. Secret Service does not immediately undertake "fundamental reform."

"The Secret Service as an agency requires fundamental reform to carry out its mission," they added. "Without that reform, the Independent Review Panel believes another Butler can and will happen again."


The group said they identified "deep flaws in the Secret Service, including some that appear to be systemic or cultural" including a "lack of critical thinking among Secret Service personnel" and agents' unwillingness to "speak up" regarding potential threats.

The review made clear money was not the sole cause of the mistakes and root-and-branch reform for the entire organization must follow.

It stated the agency's failure go beyond spending. "Even an unlimited budget would not, by itself, remediate many of the failures of July 13," it said.


The 52-page report highlights the urgent need for reform within the agency, particularly calling for the replacement of current leadership with appointees from outside the Secret Service. The panel emphasized that the agency had become "bureaucratic, complacent, and static," warning that similar security failures could recur unless significant changes are made. The leadership change, they recommended, should occur "as soon as practicable."

Outside the Secret Service -- they don't want another corrupt, incompetent internal promotion as with Rowe.

Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 12:14 PM Comments

THE MORNING RANT: Periodic Update on the EV Follies (10/18/2024)

—Buck Throckmorton

EV on Fire for Header - Cartoon.JPG

Hybrids Are a “Bridge” to EVs in the Same Manner that Fried Shrimp Are a Bridge to Bug-Eating

With consumers on both sides of the Atlantic having emphatically rejected electric vehicles (with the notable exception of Tesla’s success as a boutique luxury product), EV dead-enders are now promoting the notion that the popularity of hybrids means that consumers just need a “bridge” to transition from gasoline-powered, internal combustion (“ICE”) cars to fully-electric, plug-in vehicles.

Here are a couple of recent examples:

“Volvo Scraps Plans for All BEV Lineup By 2030, Eyes Hybrids As 'Bridge' To Full-Electrification”

“Volkswagen Building More Plug-In Hybrids as Bridge to EVs”

Enough already. Here’s an analogy. When I eat shrimp instead of grilling a steak, that does not mean that I’m crossing a bridge from beef-eating to bug-eating. It means that shrimp is another attractive protein option for me. Bug-eating will never be an option.

Hybrid vehicles are as much a bridge to full EV adoption as consuming shrimp is a bridge from eating beef to eating bugs.


Not a Parody from Motor Trend: Toyota is Struggling to Catch Up in the EV Market

Toyota was the wisest auto company throughout the electric vehicle bubble, embracing hybrid technology while resisting pressure to pursue the EV folly. Toyota chose wisely. And the propaganda media will never forgive Toyota for rejecting their beloved EVs.

Motor Trend, which was once a fantastic auto-enthusiast magazine, has long since embraced the role of being an eco-leftist propaganda outlet. This article about Toyota “struggling to catch up” to EV competition reads like a parody, but it’s actually serious.

“Toyota Pushes Back EV Production Plans in America” [Motor Trend – 10/03/2024]

The EV market is in constant flux and Toyota has never been ahead of the game, and it's apparently still struggling to catch up.

Oh my. Toyota is only the most successful auto company in the world, with a wildly popular mix of vehicles that dealers cannot keep on their lots, including an extensive lineup of hybrids. Meanwhile other legacy automakers like Volkswagen, Ford, and GM are in crisis mode because of their bad bets on electric vehicles. Motor Trend calls Toyota’s popularity and success ”struggling to catch up.” I’m pretty sure that Toyota never wants to catch up with Ford, GM, and Volkswagen when it comes to EVs.

The automaker has been skeptical about EV adoption, and turned out to be mostly right about its predicted slump in the market, but the world is still moving towards all-electric vehicle adoption and Toyota must still eventually adapt.

Motor Trend is free to dream of a mandatory, all-electric utopia where ICE vehicles are outlawed and Toyota is forcibly compelled to “eventually adapt,” but so long as Toyota can respond to the market, rather than obeying the communist overlords favored by Motor Trend, then Toyota will keep selling the non-EV products that automobile buyers overwhelmingly prefer.


California Cops: EV Police Cruisers “Nearly Unusable”

A few weeks back, I posted an email from a reader nicknamed “Wunderkraut” about the foolishness of using EVs for police cars. (I’m unable to dig up that link, sorry.)

Now comes this story out of California.

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Posted by Buck Throckmorton at 11:00 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Art Thread


Freud Hotel1.jpg

Hotel Bedroom
Lucian Freud

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report 10/18/24

—J.J. Sefton

Good morning kids:

The computer is in for repairs. So I'm afraid it'll be open threads hopefully not longer than midweek.

Have a great weekend.

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:30 AM Comments

Daily Tech News 18 October 2024

—Pixy Misa

Top Story

  • WordPress looks to be entering a doom spiral as Mad King Matt Mullenweg tightens his grip. (404 Media) (archive site)
    After an exodus of employees at Automattic who disagreed with CEO Matt Mullenweg's recently divisive legal battle with WP Engine, he's upped the ante with another buyout offer - and a threat that employees speaking to the press should "exit gracefully, or be fired tomorrow with no severance."
    This divides the company neatly into three factions:

    1. Those with principles who will quit - and take advantage of the severance package on offer because principles don't pay the rent.
    2. Those who see the writing on the wall and get while the going is good.
    3. True believers.

    True believers can be good if you're tackling a difficult problem under an experienced leader, like catching an office building falling from space.

    It can also produce Jonestown.

    This is looking more like the latter.

    WordPress itself will survive, since it's open source, but the company and foundation behind it won't.

  • Sad to say I was today years old when I realised why the company is called Automattic.

    One of those things that's cute in a toddler but diagnostic of malignant narcissism in a CEO.

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Posted by Pixy Misa at 04:00 AM Comments

Last Night I Saw Upon The Stair, An ONT That Wasn't There


Evening Horde! We're getting close to Halloween, here's a Halloween challenge:


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Posted by WeirdDave at 10:02 PM Comments

Rumble in the Jungle Cafe

—Disinformation Expert Ace

the Na Pali Coast, Hawaii
by Ben Milbrath/@PurdueToobah

Beach volleyball practice with your pug.

He learned one way to go up the stairs and darnit, he's sticking to that one way.

"Can I get a brandy?"

Action figures are getting out of control.

Panda doing some important panda business.

Update on the dog that climbed to the top of the pyramid: Don't worry, he just walked right back down.

This is the shape of a Cat's Soul.

Cranes making a huge racket.

These monkeys are even louder.

Now this llama is mouthing off.

Dog knows one part of the song.

Pasta bandit.

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Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 07:33 PM Comments

Bret Baier: Kamala Harris Tried to "Ice Me" By Showing Up Late, and Then Having Her Staffers Wave Their Arms Wildly to Tell Me to Stop Asking Questions

—Disinformation Expert Ace

The Bee:


Before getting to the headline story: Bret Baier failed to challenge her when she claimed that Trump would weaponize the government against his political foes:

John Strand

Did anyone notice Kamala whining to Bret Baier that "scary orange man is going to jail his political opponents"?

Trump was in office for 4 years--zero political prisoners.

Kamala is in office for 4 years--HUNDREDS of political prisoners... I'm one of them.

She's a total fraud.

Insurrection Barbie @DefiyantlyFree

They put Bannon in prison.

They put Navarro in prison.

They are trying to bankrupt Gateway Pundit.

They indicted the CFO of Epoch Times.

They are investigating Elon Musk.

They are trying to put Donald Trump in prison.

They are trying to disbar Jeff Clark.

They disbarred John Eastman and debanked him.

They arrested the doctor who blew the whistle that a Texas hospital was illegally performing gender reassignment surgeries on minors.

They indicted and disbarred Rudy Giuliani.

They spied on Catholic Churches.

They put concerned parents who went to school board meetings on the FBI watchlists.

They imprisoned 1500 protestors, most first time nonviolent offenders.

But Donald Trump is going to weaponize the government to go after his enemies?

One of the most embarrassing exchanges came when Kamala Harris could not say what she was "turning the page" from, given that she's the sitting vice president. JD Vance commented:

Vance rips Harris over change platform: 'Who are they turning the page on?' Vance specifically took issue with Harris's recent interview on Fox News with Bret Baier, which saw her struggle to account for her vice presidential tenure.

Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance on Thursday excoriated Vice President Kamala Harris for presenting herself as a change candidate without acknowledging her ties to President Joe Biden and his administration.

"We're gonna remember that the entire theme of her campaign is basically her pretending that she doesn't even know who Joe Biden is," Vance said at an event in Pittsburgh, Pa. "Don't pay attention that high inflation. Don't pay attention to that wide open southern border. Because Kamala Harris will tell you it's not her fault. She doesn't even, she's never even seen Joe Biden, that's what she'll go out there and tell people."

"And anybody with a lick of common sense is saying, Kamala, day one was 1400 days ago. What the hell you been doing that whole time?" he went on.

Vance specifically took issue with Harris's recent interview on Fox News with Bret Baier, which saw her struggle to account for her vice presidential tenure.

"So Brett Baier asked her, well, the American people were saying they want to turn the page. And that is, in fact, the theme of your campaign. They want to turn the page. Well, who are they turning the page on?" Vance said. "Because you've been the vice president for the past three and a half years."

"And you know what she said? She started talking about Trump," he went on. "She is pathologically incapable of talking about the American future without talking about a person who hasn't been president for three and a half years."

This was the cringiest part of her interview: She claimed the reason people want to "turn the page" is because Donald Trump has been campaigning for three and a half years, and that's what they want to "turn the page" on, not her governance for three and a half years.

When Bret Baier objects that this makes no sense, she says "You know what I'm talkin' about, you and I both know what I'm talkin' about," and Baier, to his credit, says "I Actually don't."

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Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:33 PM Comments

Quick Hits

—Disinformation Expert Ace


Liz Cheney, the super-duper hardcore conservative, is now also campaigning for Democrat Congressmen.

But this is all about Trump. That's the cover story, right?

Now her political devolution is complete - Liz Cheney is campaigning for Democratic Congressional candidates.
[The Hill:]

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) is taking her anti-Trump crusade to the congressional battlefield, endorsing Democrats in a pair of contested House races in a sign that she sees the lower chamber as a potential check on former President Trump if he wins a second term in the White House.

On Tuesday, Cheney endorsed John Avlon, a former CNN commentator who's challenging GOP Rep. Nick LaLota (R-N.Y.) on Long Island. And on Wednesday, she threw her weight behind Rep. Susan Wild, a four-term Democrat who's in a tight race for reelection in Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley. More endorsements may be forthcoming.

That's a lot of effort to go through just to "get Trump," so there must be something more at work here. It's not the first time, after all, that Cheney has done this.

Cheney has already jumped into the presidential race, announcing in September that she will vote for Vice President Harris in a bid to keep Trump from a second term. And her foray into House contests has precedent: In late 2022, Cheney endorsed a pair of House Democrats with national security backgrounds, Reps. Elissa Slotkin (Mich.) and Abigail Spanberger (Va.), both of whom won tight reelection races that year.

University professor: Buildings are racist.

Buildings can be racist, concludes CU Boulder prof

The professor alleged that certain classroom settings were 'made mainstream by Western colonization, which eliminated enslaved or otherwise colonized Indigenous communities.'

He also claimed that the existence of certain ethnic communities in the U.S. is proof of racism since '[m]any people feel more comfortable living with others who look like them, because outside that community, they tend to face discrimination.'

A University of Colorado (CU) Boulder professor is arguing that buildings can be racist.

A CU Boulder Today article titled "Can buildings be racist? A CU Boulder architect explores" was published on Wednesday, featuring an interview with Shawhin Roudbari, a CU Boulder professor of Environmental Design.

When asked: "Can buildings and spaces actually be racist?" Roudbari answered that "architectural design often reflects social hierarchies, and those hierarchies are frequently tied to the history of Western colonization and racism."

Roudbari went on to allege that classroom settings "like the auditorium-style lecture hall where students surround a professor" were "made mainstream by Western colonization, which eliminated enslaved or otherwise colonized Indigenous communities as part of attempts to extract wealth or advance supremacist projects like Manifest Destiny."

The CU Boulder professor claimed that alternative "non-Western" teaching methods promote more "communal" learning in which "people sit around in a circle and share their expertise."

Tren de Aragua is only taking over a handful of New York City neighborhoods. No big deal!

A 15-year-old Venezuelan migrant busted at least 10 times in the last few months -- and believed to be part of a violent crew of young gang members -- was arrested again this week for a knifepoint robbery, sources said Wednesday.

And this time he's finally getting locked up.

The teen terror, who had been sprung without bail after each of his previous arrests, sobbed as the judge remanded him during his arraignment in Manhattan Family Court Wednesday on yet another first-degree robbery charge.

"The court finds that remand is appropriate and at this time there are no alternatives, and that a return to home at this time would be inappropriate," Judge Betsey Jean-Jacques said.

The troublesome teen -- identified by sources as a member of "Los Diablos de la 42," a pint-size offshoot of the vicious Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua -- had been cuffed in the latest bust on Tuesday, just as The Post was revealing the baby-faced bandit's shocking exploits.

He's accused of pulling a knife on a 34-year-old man at Ninth Avenue and West 35th Street around 7 p.m. Sept. 30, along with a pal, according to the sources.

The teen and his buddy allegedly body-slammed the victim into a pole, flashed a kitchen knife and demanded that he turn over his phone, the sources said.

The man was able to get away unscathed.

Video from the scene helped cops identify the alleged mugger, and they busted him at 59th Street and Columbus Avenue, according to the sources.

The "Little Devil" was arraigned on the new charge late Wednesday afternoon -- with sources anticipating he would be freed with a slap on the wrist again because of his age and the state's lenient juvenile crime laws, as he had following his other slew of arrests.

But the judge's decision in the lastest case doesn't change the fact that the system remains broken, according to law enforcement sources.

"This has to be a wake-up call to the stakeholders," one source said Wednesday. "To the state legislature who has to decide how we're going to deal with this problem.

"This kid's gonna go home today and probably rob somebody else," the source said. "We can arrest him but we can't hold him."


Since May this year, he has made his presence known in the Big Apple, with at least 10 prior arrests for robbery and grand larceny, sources said.

He was released each time, which means he's been free to return to the city-funded migrant shelters where he has been shacking up -- until now.

"So, 10 is the number? Ten arrests for the government to finally give in and say maybe there's a problem here?" one cop griped. "Or are they doing it because public opinion is forcing them?

"Either way the damage is done. People have been victimized and a child slipped further and further into a criminal enterprise," the cop said. "This is not criminal justice reform. This is perverse."

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Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:30 PM Comments

"She's Not As Strong As Me:" Lip-Readers Pick Out Biden's Complaint About Kamala Harris, Made to the Man Who Engineered His Ouster, Barack Obama

—Disinformation Expert Ace

Biden groused to Obama in line at Ethel Kennedy's funeral.

You can't hear what either man said, but lip-readers think they know what was talked about.

President Biden griped to former President Barack Obama that "she" is "not as strong as me" -- with Obama agreeing "that's true" -- in a stunning off-mic conversation deciphered for The Post by a professional lip reader.

The apparent candid assessment of Vice President Kamala Harris' standing going into the Nov. 5 election occurred Wednesday afternoon as America's two most recent Democratic presidents conversed at Ethel Kennedy's memorial service in Washington.

"She's not as strong as me," said Biden, 81, according to the translation, which was produced by analyzing the on-video lip movements during the discussion.

"I know ... that's true," the popular former president agreed, adding, "We have time."

"Yeah, we'll get it in time," said Biden, who was forced by fellow Democrats to relinquish the party's nomination in favor of Harris on July 21 in a mutiny that Obama was believed to support.

Moments earlier, Obama said, "it's important that we have some time together" in a possible reference to campaigning alongside Harris.

The dialogue was translated for The Post by Jeremy Freeman, a London-based forensic lip reader who was born deaf and for 16 years has served as a University College London-certified expert witness for litigants, the police and journalists.

Although Harris' name was not included in Freeman's transcription, it's unclear to whom else the conversation could have pertained.

Spokesliars for both liars denied the existence of deaf people who serve as professional lip-readers:

Biden spokesman Andrew Bates scoffed: "A 'lip reading expert'? Did your usual right-wing soothsayer have their out-of-office up? Only President Biden and President Obama know what they discussed, but this certainly wasn't it."

A source close to Obama didn't deny the translation but said, "Only President Obama and President Biden know what they discussed yesterday. Any assertion otherwise is ridiculous."

What would a deaf person know about reading lips, am i rite or am i rite

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Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 04:30 PM Comments

Kamala Harris's Hot New Plan to Woo Black Men: How's Legal Weed and Free $20,000 "Loans" That Don't Have to be Repaid Sound?

—Disinformation Expert Ace

The loans were first announced for blacks only, but after being criticized for this obviously racist promotion, the campaign says that the loans can be applied for by whites, too.

I mean, whites won't get them, but they're free to apply.

Harris proposes 1 million forgivable loans to Black entrepreneurs, as Trump makes inroads

Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled an "Opportunity Agenda" plan for Black men, which includes a proposal of forgivable loans of up to $20,000 to Black entrepreneurs.

She also pledged to support federal marijuana legalization, a big step beyond the Biden administration's current stance.

Harris' crypto plans "will make sure owners of and investors in digital assets benefit from a regulatory framework so that Black men and others who participate in this market are protected," her campaign said.

Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled an "Opportunity Agenda" proposal for Black men Monday, which includes plans to provide 1 million forgivable loans to Black entrepreneurs and new pathways to help Black Americans succeed in the legalized marijuana industry.

"This agenda is a further realization of Vice President Harris' Opportunity Economy," said former Rep. Cedric Richmond, a Harris campaign co-chair, in a statement. "An economy where people don't just get by, but get ahead. Where Black men are equipped with the tools to thrive: to buy a home, provide for our families, start a business and build wealth."

As part of the marijuana industry, huh?

Harris' announcement is aimed at increasing her support among Black male voters, and comes in the final weeks of an extremely close race between the Democratic vice president and Republican former President Donald Trump.

The plan outlined Monday would provide 1 million fully forgivable loans of up to $20,000 to Black entrepreneurs and others to start a business. The loans would be financed through partnerships between "mission-driven lenders," community oriented banks and the Small Business Administration, the campaign said.

A forgiveable loan is just a gift. She's literally buying votes with an unconstitutionally-racist proposal.

The Bee:


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Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:25 PM Comments

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