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December 30, 2004
Top Ten Best of Ace, #9: The Fire Quadrology
It turns out that, over the year, certain people suddenly caught fuckin' fire. I was pretty much the only blogger to notice and properly document this incindiary phenomenon.
First, Bob Dole caught fuckin' fire, after pinning back Kerry's ears for suggesting that the SwiftVets weren't entitled to tell their story. And boy did he burn.
The strange combustions continued. Zell Miller caught fuckin' fire on live television at the Republican National Convention.
And then stranger still, Pat Sajak -- Pat Sajak! -- penned a strong conservative opinion column and was confirmed to have, in fact, caught on fuckin' fire.
And then, of course, strangest of all came the curious combustion of Charles Schumer, who caught fuckin' fire while telling a peacenic professor to drink a nice tall glass of shut-the-fuck-up juice.