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December 30, 2004
Top Ten Best of Ace, #8: A D&D Guide to the Democratic Candidates
This was probably the most important I wrote as far as launching the site. I had only been blogging since December 30, and of course I had almost no readers whatsoever. Basically, there were some of my friends from The Perfect World checking the blog out on occasion, and blog-brother Son of Nixon. And that was it.
And then on January 3rd or 4th, I wrote the D&D piece. A couple of my readers set it to K-Lo at NRO, who I don't think even got it, but she linked it anyway. No idea how many visitors I got that day -- I still hadn't even heard of a site-meter -- but it was enough traffic to pretty much shut the site down all day.
I got lucky. A lot of bloggers spend months trying to get some attention from anybody, and out of the blue I got linked by NRO four or five days after starting the site up. I went from having six or eight readers to hundreds, which is a hell of a jump for one week. And one post.
At any rate, A Question of Character: The D&D Guide to the Democratic Presidential Candidates pretty much launched this site.
I'm particularly proud of the Wesley Clark bit. In one long riff, I mention Call of Cthulhu, D&D, Traveller, Rush (the band), Dune, Led Zeppellin, time-travel, Back to the Future, flux capacitors, Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, the Bene Geserit, sandworms, Duncan Idaho, Paul Atreides, Star Trek, Mr. Spock, bugbears, and the super-geeky Moody Blues song Knights in White Satin. That is what you call a geek-culture Tour de Force. I really don't think that anyone will ever be able to top that as far as pure extreme dorkiness.
Related: Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!
Also Related: A generic walk-through for every freaking game you've ever played.