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August 10, 2018
Corporations Are Holy And May Not Be Questioned By Mere Deplorables, Cont'd
This reported post isn't about China; it's about Fusion's conspirators.
Don't bother waiting for the condemnation of harassment of reporters from CNN or from NeverTrump's Fusion Fanatics; they support this.
By the way: A lot of NeverTrumpers are fond of spreading the meme #WhoFundsTheFederalist, as a way to suggest that their funding is corrupt. And to try to find out who's funding it, so that they can then pressure those people to stop funding it.
NeverTrumpers never object to that bullying. Because it's against one of their enemies.
But speaking of #WhoFunds -- who funds Conservatism, Inc.? I know it's a lot of corporations and private individuals who own big corporations, or big pieces of them, and therefore derive their income from them.
And, coincidentally enough, Conservatism, Inc. is always shrieking at conservative citizens that they must never, ever abridge a corporation's free speech rights by merely offering criticism of that corporation.
Is this a coincidence? Is it all just purely coincidental that Conservatism, Inc. is the zealous, indefatiguable defender of the imaginary right of corporations to be free of criticism from people on the right, and just luck of the draw that the corporations which wish to free of criticism from people on the right are stuffing these guys' pockets full of cash?
Is that too conspiratorial to notice that people being subsidized by corporate cash just happen to be the most wild-eyed fanatics in the cause of corporate PR?
I Have to Add This. It has many, many cruise ship icons.
posted by Ace of Spades at
03:11 PM
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