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June 15, 2018
Shock: Obama Lied When He Claimed He Had Only Learned of Hillary's Illegal Off-Books Email System From the News
This motherfucker was routinely emailing her on the system he claimed he didn't know about, per the OIG report.
In 2015, President Obama told America he only learned that his secretary of state Hillary Clinton was illegally using a private email server to conduct public business after The New York Times published a story saying so. Today's release of a Department of Justice inspector general report shows that was a lie.
"FBI analysts and Prosecutor 2 told us that former President Barack Obama was one of the 13 individuals with whom Clinton had direct contact using her clintonemail.com account," the report says in a footnote on page 89. "Obama, like other high level government officials, used a pseudonym for his username on his official government email account."
I'm sure the cucks' favorite Bull Jake Tapper will make this his lead story today.
Unrelated, but it turns out that Comey used personal email for government business too. Giving him a conflict of interest on this point: He had to claim a lack of 'intent" saved Clinton, or else he'd be making the case for his own criminal prosecution.
And of course he didn't recuse himself.
David Harsanyi points out some differences.
Shock that a Clinton would resort to the But Everybody Does It! defense, no?
That said, she does have a point: Comey, being dirty on this himself, should have recused himself.

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:46 PM
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