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June 15, 2014
Food Thread: The Tyranny of Veganism [CBD]
Not Every Meat Eater Is A Killer
At first glance, the choice to eat a vegan diet (yes, it's a lifestyle and a socio-sexual-political statement, but more on that later) should be private, personal and, most of all, quiet. Most of us inhabiting the Moronosphere tend toward a libertarian stance when it comes to decisions that, in a vacuum, affect no one else, so we make the understandable assumption that because we don't actually give a rat's ass what you do in the privacy of your kitchen and grocery bags, we aren't going to hear about it.
But we do hear about it -- forcefully, arrogantly -- and in that particular nagging, pompous tone that is redolent of
Socialists, smelly hippies and slim-hipped hipsters wearing the newest cool headgear and sporting gauges.
If that were all, we could mock them in return, confident that
our omnivorous ways are superior
And yes, your suspicion that they really enjoy preaching their new religion and punishing transgressors would be correct.
As Douglas Preston writes in
Trial By Fury: Internet Savagery and the Amanda Knox Case:
Bowles mathematical simulations showed that an optimal society has a significant percentage of punishers. “There’s quite a bit of evidence,” he said, “that people really enjoy admonishing, inflicting harm on and punishing other people who are breaking social norms. They love to punish.”
But that isn't all. We are in the midst of an attempt by the left to shift social norms, by any means necessary, toward their "optimal" society, and one powerful way is the appeal to health via diet (the spurious claim is that veganism is the only truly healthful way to eat).
And another, more insidious, way is the parallel claim that veganism is the only way to respect the lives of animals.
Peter Singer may rejoice that in this new paradigm, the lives of animals are sacrosanct, but the goal is not to protect animals; it is to reduce man's position on earth to that of any other animal.
But to what ends? The answer is simple:
1. The destruction of organized Western religions. The primacy of Man as revealed by Judaism and Christianity sounds pretty silly when everyone just knows that we are no different than the beasts.
2. The disparagement of and, ultimately, the destruction of the concept that we are entitled to use the earth and its resources as we see fit, because after all, we are just one of many and have no innate rights.
Caesar Salad Dressing
1 egg
8 anchovy filets
2/3 cup parmesan cheese
1/3 cup red wine vinegar
2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1-2 cloves garlic depending on taste
Blend eggs, anchovies and garlic. When smooth, blend in cheese and vinegar.
Blend at low-medium speed while drizzling oil slowly enough to emulsify.
Toss with Romaine lettuce and crisp croutons.*
*Really? You need a recipe for croutons?
Cut day-old bread into 1/2 inch cubes.
Sauté on medium heat with mild olive oil, tossing frequently and adding oil as needed. You are looking for a nice light golden color, so don't overcook.
A few minutes before they are done, sprinkle a bit of Parmesan cheese on them. You can also add a small amount of chopped garlic for some extra pop.

posted by Open Blogger at
04:25 PM
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