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December 05, 2005
And Speaking of Awards: Wizbang!'s 2005 Weblog Finalists Are Announced
Lot of good blogs.
I'd have to say the most interesting category is for Best Conservative Blog. Ah-heh-hemmm.
I don't want to do any negative campaigning about my blood-enemies esteemed fellow nominees, but I understand that the folks at Polipundit are given to dressing up their dogs like this:

Just sayin'.
Other Endorsements: I really can't endorse anyone else. Not because I'm selfish (I am selfish, but that's not the reason), but because in many categories there are several people who I'm "blog-friends"* with, so it would be impolitic and awkward to favor one over the other.
* "Blog-friends" are like actual friends, except you really don't like each other very much and your entire relationship is based on a mix of resentment, back-biting, and ruthless what-can-you-do-for-me-ism.
Wait, no, blog-friends are exactly like actual friends.
It's a blessing to have so many friends. A blessing and a black Satanic curse.