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Sunday Night Celebrity Interview (Bumped Because It's Just That Good) »
December 05, 2005
The Hayden Planetarium Presents: Laser-Christmas!
The most outlandish home Christmas lighting yet.
Disclosure: Ummm, I've seen this thing a dozen times, but I'm finally posting it, because WonderKraut asked me too, and he's probably German.
I don't support apeasement per se, but I also don't want to wake up to find he's invaded my "breakfast nook."
Which gets to a pet peeve of mine... "Drudge Tips." Okay, I appreciate people letting me know stories on Drudge I may have missed (usually I miss them by a half hour or less, because I check Drudge frequently), but what is this crazy thing going around where someone will just take a Drudge link, put it on their site, and ask for a link to their site for it?
I mean, if there's interesting commentary, sure. If value has been added, absolutely, it's a candidate for a link.
But asking generally for a link to a post which simply links something Drudge did is like petitioning the American Astronomical Society regarding your discovery of a new cosmic object you're provisionally calling "The Moon."
Oh, Exceptions: Drudge Tips are also linkable if...
* it's a big breaking urgent story where someone would really want to have it up ASAP.
* it's a lot more interesting or funny than Drudge's headline would suggest. In essence, you're trying to get the word out about what would otherwise be a somewhat-ignored Drudge link.
* you found some interesting significance in it not mentioned by Drudge, like digging up Kerry's "terrorizing children" quote.
But, you know, as a general rule, if it's on Drudge, everyone knows about it (including me), and you really can't ask for credit for "finding" it.