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March 28, 2022
Chris Wallace Whines to the NYT About Tucker Carlson
Todd Sarnes:
Chris Wallace, the disgraced ex-Fox News Channel host, took a number of cheap shots at his former place of employment during an exclusive interview with The New York Times.
"I just no longer felt comfortable with the programming at Fox," said Wallace, the notorious never-Trumper....
"I'm fine with opinion: conservative opinion, liberal opinion," Mr. Wallace said in his first extensive interview about his decision to leave. "But when people start to question the truth -- Who won the 2020 election? Was Jan. 6 an insurrection? -- I found that unsustainable."
Mr. Wallace told The Times he spent "a lot of 2021 looking to see if there was a different place for me to do my job."
He told the newspaper that he was "so alarmed by Mr. Carlson's documentary 'Patriot Purge' -- which falsely suggested the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a 'false flag' operation intended to demonize conservatives -- that he complained directly to Fox News management."
"Before, I found it was an environment in which I could do my job and feel good about my involvement at Fox," Mr. Wallace said. "And since November of 2020, that just became unsustainable, increasingly unsustainable as time went on."
Still, he acknowledged that some viewers may wonder why he did not leave earlier.
"Some people might have drawn the line earlier, or at a different point," he said, adding: "I think Fox has changed over the course of the last year and a half. But I can certainly understand where somebody would say, 'Gee, you were a slow learner, Chris.'"
Speaking of deranged, embittered New York City liberals:
If you thought "There's no way AllahPundit could make the Will Smith slap about Trump," I've got bad news for you.

If you didn't catch that -- the reference to "when you're a celebrity, they let you get away with it" is about Trump. It's what he said after his "grab their p*ssies" joke.
He then went on a Both Sides rant that probably was previewed in a Slack channel with his Bulwark palz:
There'd be a volcano of takes this morning about the racial politics of the incident too if both men weren't black. (There's some of that happening anyway, in fact.) A white actor who slapped a black comic would have been pilloried for his violent sense of white privilege and escorted out immediately -- as Smith should have been. A black actor who slapped a white comic would have plunged us into a maelstrom of alt-right blather on the one hand about "violent propensities" and woke apologetics on the other dismissing criticism of the offender as white America treating a black man who defends his wife as "uppity."
The Discourse is so tiresome.
Indeed, Drunky McBraindamage. It is so, so tiresome.
Maybe you should leave your current post and find one more ideologically agreeable, huh? Like your fellow traveler Chris Wallace.