« Sunday Morning Book Thread - 03-13-2022 ["Perfessor" Squirrel] |
First-World Problems... »
March 13, 2022
American Foreign Policy Is Adrift. If There Is A Plan, It's A bad One, And if There Is No Plan, It's Just As Bad
It's hard to imagine a worse foreign policy than our current mess of reactive measures and half-measures and meaningless pontifications that emerge from the White House and the state department. We are in retreat everywhere, and have lost any sense of the simplest goals: to protect American interests throughout the world.
In fact it is difficult to see anything remotely good about our total capitulation to Iranian desires for nuclear weapons and Russia's interest in supporting Iran as a proxy to do mischief...and worse.
Cui Bono? Who benefits? It's pretty clear that Iran and Russia benefit, and America and our staunch ally Israel are the losers in this charade. And to make matters worse, this author suggests that the Biden junta is selling out Ukraine just to get Russia's support of the catastrophic Iran deal!
Ukraine first -- Israel next?
Irina Tsukerman, a geopolitical and security analyst, suggests a more sinister linkage between Ukraine and the Iran deal. Biden could be sacrificing Ukraine in order to secure Russia’s co-operation in pushing the recalcitrant Tehran towards a deal, she argues. This may allow America to secure cheap Iranian oil, easing the squeeze on household budgets at home.
Worse still, once the nuclear deal is done, Biden may seek to handcuff Israel to prevent it from taking further military action in Syria or against Iran itself. Why? With the US hooked on Iranian oil, Biden would need to “contain” the regime and prevent it from turning the financial screw by raising oil prices.
But why support Iran in the first place? What possible benefit is there, even in the fever dreams and masturbatory fantasies of Biden's handlers? How can a reconstituted Iranian nuclear weapons program help American interests in the region? How can relaxing restrictions on Iran's terror network benefit America? After all, these are the people responsible for a huge amount of terrorism (much of it directed at America) over the last 40 years. That includes the bombing of the Marine Corps barracks in Lebanon in 1983! And
we will be lifting sanctions against Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan, who led IRGC forces in Lebanon and Syria when Hezbollah bombed the Marine compound in Beirut and killed 241 U.S. service members.
The simplest reason for this insanity is a combination of two things:
The first is the obvious dislike of Israel on the part of so many of the actors in this farce. Valerie Jarrett and John Kerry come to mind, but the traditional anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment in the U.S. State Department has been allowed to emerge.
The second is a perverse desire for some sort of counterbalance to Israel's power in the Middle East. That it is benign, and is a huge positive matters not at all. These people would rather see a regional war than allow one country to have military dominance, especially a country that is unabashedly Western and Jewish. But by allowing Iran to produce nuclear weapons is a guarantee of much more instability in the region that can easily spill over to other places.
An ascendant Iran will broaden its terrorist activities, including unleashing Hezbollah in Lebanon. That will provoke a response from Israel, including increasing its attacks on Hezbollah in Syria (where Iran funnels arms). Russia has so far allowed Israel to enter Syrian airspace to attack arms transiting to Lebanon, but how long will that last? Will Israel have to fight the Russians as well as the Syrians, the Iranians and Hezbollah?
Of course China would never dream of taking advantage of regional unrest to further its own interests, so at least the world is safe from that complexity.