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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (3/9/22) »
March 09, 2022
Goat Tree Cafe

Mirny diamond mine,
Eastern siberia
That's a big hole, man
More quarry porn.
Puppies crowding in for a group photo.
Pushing someone in da pool is funny throughout the animal kindom.
Playing with your parrot.
Oh, no -- was solving a Rubik's cube really this easy? Was it just cycling through the same four moves, without thinking, over and over until the puzzle was solved? Update: ... says no, it's not that easy, this is just reversing the moves that put it into this state.
Pug skate-train.
Dog showing amazing jumping finesse.
Siamese twins.
Black swan event.
I like pointing out that goats will jump up on anything.
In case some of you still don't believe me:
Content warning on this one. A lioness is chomping on the hindquarters of a cape buffalo.
Then the buffalo's mate comes along, and absolutely yeets the lioness to Mars.
The content warning is to alert you that the lioness probably does not survive this. She may survive a few days, but I don't think she survives the week.
Here's a cute one: