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Tonight's ONT Was Soon Borne Away By The Waves And Lost In Darkness And Distance »
February 18, 2022
Orangutan Cafe

Harbor seals (common seals)
Five stray (lost or abandoned, no one knows) golden retriever puppies were found walking in a park in Stark County, Ohio.
They weren't locked up in the shelter for long -- people slept in their cars to wait in line for the shelter to open, to adopt them.
Yesterday I posted about a dog and a pig who were very concerned with traffic flow. I forgot to link this bear.
Very nice story: A man fell out of his boat in the middle of the ocean. He tried swimming towards the boat, but the boat's engines were on -- and the boat outpaced him and disappeared.
He was miles and miles away from land and it was cold. (This was last month.)
He thought he was lost:
"That's when I realized, like, okay, we got problems," Thompson said. "And I just started swimming as hard as I could, towards the boat, and it really didn't take too long to realize like, it's getting farther, I'm not getting closer."
Despite being an expert diver and experienced swimmer, Thompson felt the icy chill of the ocean and certain death creeping in.
"The panic set in it was like, wow, this is a pretty heavy situation," he said.
Thomspon needed a miracle to survive against overwhelming odds. With no land in sight, he leaned on the love for his family to inspire the fight to live.
"Just keep swimming, you gotta get home to your family." Thompson kept telling himself. "I was devastating myself, through my mind, just picturing my girls and my son growing up without me, and my wife, you know, not having a husband to support her...I wasn't thinking about sharks or anything like that, until I hear this splash?"
To Thompson, that splash felt like an angel summoned to help him.
"It was a medium sized harbor seal," Thompson said. "The seal would go under water and he came up and nudged me. like a dog comes up and nudges your leg."
Thompson saw that as a divine sign that against all odds he could make it.
"Did it know, like hey, this human is in trouble, hey keep going dude?" he said.
After his interaction with the seal, Thompson felt determined to swim to the nearest oil platform, which was far but closer than land.
"You gotta make it to the platform because you have no choice," Thompson said.
Freezing and exhausted, he kept swimming some five hours -- finally reaching the platform.
"It started getting brighter and I'm just like, I'm crying. And I'm like, shouting at the sky." he said.
After his rescue, he recovered his boat, then went out looking for his savior seal. He found him, then killed him and ate him.
No that's a joke.
This badly abused pit bull -- which had been used as a "bait dog" in a dog fighting ring, and I don't know what that is, but I'm sure it's horrible -- was found abandoned under a dumpster. But some nice people decide they're going to give him a nice life to make up for the crap one he's had up until now.
Shelter dogs getting adopted.
Purr-kour. No, a different one. Hopefully this link doesn't get deleted.
Cute little meeting.
Cat Olympics. I think this clip will get better ratings than NBC. Awww, poor them.
Another Miracle Mammal. I can't figure this one out. Ice, I'd guess, but I can't see it.
What do you do when one kid knows the right answer, but his brother is dumb as a stump?
Cat demands attention.
Hedgehog family out for Sunday stroll.
Squeaky otter gets the chin-rubs.
Inman: Friday Top Five compilation.
Li'l Chaz wasn't ready to take the wheel.
Another compilation, this one mostly punch-outs.
Karen's night out. Someone really should have knocked her out. Enough of this bullshit. You want to throw hands, get ready to catch hands, Karen.
Her outfit isn't enough to distract from this ignominy.
The title of the Cafe is just Orangutan Cafe. Simple. Because... well:
Stick to the end, when he picks him up to bring him up to the bed.