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Daily Tech News 19 February 2022 »
February 18, 2022
Tonight's ONT Was Soon Borne Away By The Waves And Lost In Darkness And Distance
Greetings Horde! This week, let's all try to be as based as Hank.
Fido Friday: Bad dog
The origin of CRT
I need this sign for my kitchen
Dream big, and find out someone beat you to it
Look, I get that this may have been a flood tide, but would it have been so hard to get a truck?
This was made by an app called Wumbo Dream. I like it
Going all DC
All the “whatever” theory in the world can't change human nature
Dang, where did that go?
How to troll, lesson 1: Don't break character
I'm linking this one because it's long
I feel seen
I know what I'm getting Jim SND for Christmas
Chess, explained
Sounds legit
We are doomed
I love how the driver seems to have a “Dang it! It happened again! Welp, gotta chase down my truck.” attitude
Technical graphic of the week
Wholesome content
The what now?
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by the pure joy of accomplishing something hard:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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