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February 15, 2022
Christian Website GiveSendGo Hacked and Donor Information Published Online; Canadian Broadcast Authority Begins Going Through the List and Demanding That the Donors Explain Why They Donated to the Freedom Convoy
After GoFundMe attempted to steal nearly $10 million in donated funds and give it to charities they liked better -- leftwing "charities," no doubt -- people who wanted to donate to the Freedom Convoy truckers began using the GiveSendGo Christian alternative to GoFundMe.
The website was hacked, and redirected to another URL.
The donors' information was leaked online. And then published on Twitter.
Note that while Twitter supposedly bans doxxing, it has permitted a leftwing disgraced former Canadian shock-jock nobody to continue posting the donors' information with no penalty.

I'm so glad we have National Review, AEI, and Mitch McConnell to continue protecting the tech monopolies from even the most basic legal reforms.
And now, Ezra Levant reports, the state media that Justin Trudeau pays -- and which is in his pocket politically -- is using the hacked dox materials as a hit list to intimidate the donors.
Ezra Levant
BREAKING: Trudeau's CBC state broadcaster is combing through the illegally hacked database of GiveSendGo donors, and emailing donors asking them to explain themselves.
BREAKING: Trudeau's CBC state broadcaster is combing through the illegally hacked database of GiveSendGo donors, and emailing donors asking them to explain themselves.
Trudeau's state broadcaster is doxxing Trudeau's political opponents. They're teeing them up for financial punishments. This is not journalism, anymore than Der Sturmer or Pravda was journalism.
This is so much worse than the Cambridge Analytica scandal
The use of hacked information to politically target citizens is morally grotesque. The people who are doing this at the CBC are the villains of the story.
In case anyone is thinking, "They're just emailing interview questions, is that really so bad?," bear in mind, 90% of the donors would freely give an interview. All the CBC would need do is publicize an open question for donors -- "What makes you want to donate to the Freedom Convoy?" -- and they'd get hundreds of people responding.
They're using the onetime-confidential donor list precisely to let the donors know, "We know who you are." Do not forget, Trudeau has just invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in history, and has threatened to use the banks to get at the protesters.
And the people supporting them, one can infer.
And the CBC is gleefully acting as his Financial Stasi.
This tweeter points out that all trends start in California:
The Southern Air Pirate
Remember this happened in CA with the Prop 8 debate. The LAT published the donor list.
The precedent was set then almost 15 yrs ago. Even though it wasn't hacked data the questions about silencing speech were brought up and hand waved away.
In fairness: Justin Castreau was up-front about what he was.