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February 02, 2022
White House Goes to Extraordinary Lengths to Protect Frail, Decrepit Husk of a "President," Including Refusing Beverages to Governors Meeting With Brandon, So That They Don't Lower Their Masks to Sip Water
Would you say Russia and China are more "quaking" or "quailing," NeverTrump Foreign Policy Serious Thinkers?
When President Joe Biden met with U.S. governors at the White House on Monday, he was the only one given a glass of water -- lest anyone else remove their mask to take a drink.
The president was seated more than 10 feet from everyone, including Vice President Kamala Harris and members of his Cabinet.
A White House staffer who was wearing a surgical mask when Biden entered the room was quickly handed an N95 version.
Since even before Biden was elected, his aides have gone all-out to protect the now-79-year-old president from potential infection. He spent much of the 2020 campaign season holding remote events from a studio in the basement of his home, venturing out for travel in a bubble of frequently tested aides subject to an array of restrictions.
That caution continued well after he was fully vaccinated and living at the White House. The president has held up his administration’s fidelity to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines as a virtue, after they were regularly flouted by former President Donald Trump, who became seriously ill after contracting the virus.
He did? He was so seriously ill he was, what, not on TV for 48 hours?
Whatever, AP.
How far do these extreme lengths to protect the frail and decrepit Brandon go?
This far:
@alaynatreene 1h
Scoop: McCarthy told members of Republican leadership at an ELC meeting today that Pelosi told him she was instituting a 25-member attendance cap for Biden's State of the Union address, two sources in the room told @axios
Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 01, 2022 07:11 PM
That's how much distancing Pelosi wants for this Ghost Within a Dry, Paper-Thin Husk -- 25 people in the entire well of the Congress.
Meanwhile, the left is getting all that they demanded of Biden, and only that:
Don't worry, though: the Brandon Administration is firing on all cylinders.
They've activated the full Brain Trust.
Byron York
Who, you ask, is influential in the Biden White House? The answer can be... disconcerting. From a @playbookdc item on Electoral College Act reform: https://politico.com/playbook

I'm sorry, are " " " journalists " " " supposed to be advisors to "presidents"?
Are we just dispensing with any of the play-acting, now? If so, would the leftwing propaganda media do us the kindness of admitting they have dropped all pretense of any separation from the official political left and have merged operations with the Democrats?