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(drum roll)
(drum roll continues)
... Fucking Stupid »
February 02, 2022
Early Jobs Report Indicates Country Lost Jobs in January
A few days ago, people noted Jen Psaki frantically spinning that a lot of people had called out sick from work in January -- this being an excuse why the jobs report might not be so good.
Weak spin. You don't get marked as "unemployed" because you call out sick for a few days.
But Jen Psaki is just a very stupid and shameless liar who is encouraged to lie by a media who wants to report her lies in order to propagandize on behalf of the Democrat Party.
Now we're seeing why she was spinning like a very dull-witted dead-eyed top the early previews say we unexpectedly lost a lot of jobs.
ADP is a payroll processing company with a lot of clients. It doesn't service every company and every job, obviously, but it's considered a reasonable sampling of the country's overall employment situation and gives you a decent guestimate of what the government's numbers will be.
More desperate spin from Wrong-Way Brandon:

Um, "Jobs Growth" he's defining as, "the government forced the unemployment of one third of the country in 2020 and so in 2021 many but not all of those people got their jobs back which I'm going to say is 'jobs growth' over the covid low in employment."
That's stupid and dishonest, which is just perfect for Joe and Jen, with their very stupid, lying black eyes.