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February 02, 2022
Biden's Character
[Dave in Fla]
The Polling is Even Worse than They Admit
On the January 23rd edition of Meet the Press, Chuck Todd discussed the latest results from the NBC sponsored poll. He was pretty grim in reporting the results, talking about how the approval number for Biden remains low and is not recovering.
NBC national polling is conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, and their methodology has remained the same since 2020. They poll 1000 people and report the results. Their final 2020 poll had Biden ahead 52-42, so view the results of this poll through that lens to get an idea of the built-in bias of this polling series. This poll was of 1000 adults, with 79% of them being registered voters.
While this poll shows a minor generic congressional preference of D+1 (where Rasmussen is getting R+10) there are some very troubling results for Biden if you dig down into the internals and look at the results of Biden's character traits. The numbers below are percentages of the respondents that have that opinion.
Too unwilling/willing to compromise - 42/23
Has performed worse/better than expected - 36/5
Is a good commander in chief (very poor/very good) - 40/21
Has necessary physical/mental health to be president (very poor/very good) - 41/18
Strong leadership qualities (very poor/very good) - 39/17
Competent and effective as president (very poor/very good) - 42/15
Ability to handle a crisis (very poor/very good) - 42/14
Uniting the country (very poor/very good) - 42/9
I am showing the extremes of opinion in this poll and leaving out the opinions that have less certitude. These results are very bad for Biden. In general, those who think very poorly of a Biden character trait outnumber those who think very highly by 2 or 3 to 1. As for uniting the country, 4 times as many people think he is very bad as think he is very good at it.
Remember, this poll series historically skews Democrat in its results, yet the opinion of Biden's personal character traits is horrendous, much worse than the top line 44/53 approval number indicates. Chuck Todd didn't bother mentioning these results of the poll on Meet the Press.
I think some memes are in order to capture the mood of the country

Today's Who Dis (remember, these are probably not difficult, I'm not a big movie guy)

And for the 'ettes

Today's rant is brought to you raspberry pie. If you want a recipe, talk to CBD. I eat, I don't cook.

posted by Open Blogger at
01:35 PM
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