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December 31, 2021
In China, Omicron Rule-Breakers Are Paraded In the Street By White-Gowned Security Thugs and Publicly Humiliated
China, the nation our corrupt Mandarins want to turn America into.
A country where the Ruling Class really rules. What's not to adore?
This is some next-level THX-1138 sh*t right here.
COVID "rule-breakers" in China are paraded through the streets by armed police in a brutal crackdown, reports say.
Pictures reportedly show four people wearing masks and hazmat suits - who are alleged to have flouted the country's strict lockdown rules - being marched in front of crowds in the city of Jingxi yesterday.
The public shaming involved each suspect being held by two cops while more riot police with guns watched on.
On the other hand: Maybe this is a policy I can get behind.
The four suspects in Jingxi were also accused of transporting illegal migrants as the country's borders remain largely closed due to Covid, Guangxi News reports.
The sinister parade provided a "real-life warning" to the public and "deterred border-related crimes" in the city which is close to the border with Vietnam, local media reports.
But we know our corrupt Ruling Class will never crack down on illegal immigrant coyotes.
Is this the country we want to allow our Ruling Class to be voluntarily sodomized by on a nightly basis?
Maybe it's time to force a break-up.
Remember when it was sold to us that commerce with China would make China more like us?
Instead, the Chinese have corrupted our corrupt elites and through them, have made us more like China.